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Here, sir! wrapping boots in the Westminster Gazette, greenish paper, shining boots grandfather coming from somewhere dark a smell of earth the mushroom house! Robin Hill! Burying poor old Balthasar in the leaves! Dad! Home.... Consciousness came again with noticing that the river had no water in it someone was speaking too. Want anything? No. What could one want?

Balthasar sought better counsel. He sought throughout the universe for a peg on which to hang a new, more beneficial philosophy of life. When, then, he saw the new star in the sky, he never ceased looking at it. And, lo! it too took the road from east to west which all men traversed. What was there yonder in the sunset that all went towards it, on earth as in heaven?

"If I could answer you," Balthasar said, in his simple, earnest, devout way "oh, if I knew where he is, how quickly I would go to him! The seas should not stay me, nor the mountains." "You have tried to find him, then?" asked Ben-Hur. A smile flitted across the face of the Egyptian.

The expert, whose name was Balthasar, now first noticed that he had given his information without obtaining a receipt or any equivalent for it, and, since he was not one of the unselfish kind, he threw out a feeler. "How is our gracious King?" The question revealed his secret and his wish, and put Doctor Coctier on his guard.

It often eluded him as he puzzled a way through the winding gray-walled streets. More than once he was forced to turn back, to make laborious circuits. But never for long was the cross out of sight. Constantly as he walked that new truth ran in his mind, molten, luminous. Who knew of Ram-tah's fictive origin, or even of Ram-tah at all? No one but a witty scoundrel calling himself Balthasar.

We still advanced but slowly from the force of the current, and we stopped a great part of the day to seek for plants. It was night when we arrived at the mission of San Balthasar, or, as the monks style it, the mission of la divina Pastora de Balthasar de Atabapo.

He could show them something, too, when the secret agents of Professor Balthasar came bringing It. Or he looked into the opal depths of his shell, and saw visions of his greatness to come, while Nap, unregarded, wrenched away one of his slippers and pretended to find it something alive and formidable, to be growled at and shaken and savagely macerated.

I had need of all her resoluteness now. And I remembered the figure of my father in the big chair by the ingle, powerless and lost in his search for rhymes. He might have understood the romance of my situation. It grew upon me as I thought. Don Balthasar, I understood, was apprised of my arrival. As in a dream, I followed the old negro, who had returned to the door of my room.

"It is he, it is he!" Balthasar cried, with upraised tearful eyes. Next moment he sank down insensible. In this time, it should be remembered, Ben-Hur was studying the face of the stranger, though with an interest entirely different.

She was to fling away all the trophies of Heemskerk and Sebalt de Weerd, of Balthasar de Cordes, Van der Hagen, Matelieff, and Verhoeff; she was to abdicate the position which she had already acquired of mistress of the seas, and she was to deprive herself for ever of that daily increasing ocean commerce which was rapidly converting a cluster of puny, half-submerged provinces into a mighty empire.