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And leaving Simonides lost in wonder at such a speech from him, he went where Balthasar was kneeling near by, and laid his hand upon the good man's shoulder. "O wise Egyptian, hearken! Thou alone wert right the Nazarene is indeed the Son of God."

In Waldshut he made the acquaintance of the preacher at that place, Balthasar Huebmeier, who, though a man possessed of an honest will, a tolerable knowledge of Scripture and great courage, was yet apt to lend a willing ear to everything new and striking.

The young man related while from time to time he again embraced his beloved mother, or kist her hands how after that fearful moment he had roamed about in despair without any plan or view; how, when he was destitute of all means of subsistence, finding himself near the mountains, he had made up his mind to apply to Herr Balthasar, in the chance of obtaining support from him.

"Would you like to see the stables?" "Rather!" They passed under the oak tree, through a thin shrubbery, into the stable-yard. There under a clock-tower lay a fluffy brown-and-white dog, so old that he did not get up, but faintly waved the tail curled over his back. "That's Balthasar," said Holly; "he's so old awfully old, nearly as old as I am. Poor old boy! He's devoted to Dad." "Balthasar!

Besides, he had not breathed a word about that codicil, nor should he sufficient unto the day was the good thereof. In the victoria which met him at the station Holly was restraining the dog Balthasar, and their caresses made 'jubey' his drive home.

In the beginning of another winter he became very ill, and was placed under the care of the father of a man named Ferrera, who afterward entered the service of Balthasar Faria. Here he was very carefully attended. Several ladies of the highest rank were very devoted to him, and came every night to watch beside him.

He passed the cow-houses and the hen-houses there installed, and pursued a path into the thick of the saplings, making for one of the bluebell plots. Balthasar, preceding him once more, uttered a low growl. Old Jolyon stirred him with his foot, but the dog remained motionless, just where there was no room to pass, and the hair rose slowly along the centre of his woolly back.

Seeing Don Balthasar appear by the balustrade, the ruffians below had become silent for a while. His aged, mechanical voice was heard asking distinctly: "What do these people want?" Seraphina, from within the room, said aloud, "They are clamouring for the life of our guest." She looked at O'Brien contemptuously, "They are doing this to please you." "Before God, I have nothing to do with this."

In those days Balthasar, whom the Greeks called Saracin, reigned in Ethiopia. He was black, but comely of countenance. He had a simple soul and a generous heart The third year of his reign, which was the twenty-second of his age, he left his dominions on a visit to Balkis, Queen of Sheba. The mage Sembobitis and the eunuch Menkera accompanied him.

"He rode the same great white camel, and gave him the same name Balthasar, the Egyptian." "It is a wonder of the Lord's!" Ben-Hur spoke with excitement. And Malluch, wondering, asked, "Why so?" "Balthasar, you said?" "Yes. Balthasar, the Egyptian." "That was the name the old man gave us at the fountain today." Then, at the reminder, Malluch became excited.