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I have known it all my life; perhaps that was why I mistook passion for love; and my baby O God, have mercy! God have mercy!" The plaintiveness of that cry, the awesomeness of what I had seen of what was going on at that moment almost within the reach of our arms the darkness, the desolation of our two souls, affected me as I had never been affected in my whole life before.

The solitude and awesomeness of a stormy night at sea along this rough and rugged coast is heightened by the wild tempests which brood over the waters, strewing the shore with wrecks at all seasons of the year.

Down a long, long lane down there, a little way past the cottonwood tree, where the lane quits going on, that is where the world stops. You know that is the place because of the awesomeness that comes to you. The old cottonwood stands sentinel over that region of the Great Beyond. So tall and big and still he is that if you look at him awhile you will get the strange feeling of things.

Suddenly a warm nose was thrust against his shoulder and, with the assurance of a spoilt beauty, the cow laid her head upon his arm. He lifted his other hand and stroked it gently. "Hah, Primrose! Are you awake, old lady? What are your views of life now, Prim? Do the shadows make it seem more weird and grand, or does midnight lose its awesomeness when one is upon four legs?"

The sun is too hot; you must sit on the shadowed side of the cairn. The great silence had nothing of that awesomeness which broods in the mountain calm of wilder solitudes. Upon their ear fell the long low hushing of the wood, broken suddenly from time to time by a fitful wind, which flapped with hollow note around the great heap of stones, whirled as if in sport, and was gone.

As it approached her it shrank to common proportions, got clear of the stars, lost its awesomeness, and became menacing in its ominous and silent advance. Mrs. Travers hastened to speak. "You have asked for me. I am come. I trust you will have no reason to regret my obedience." He walked up quite close to her, bent down slightly to peer into her face.

And my baby O God, have mercy! God, have mercy!" The plaintiveness of that cry, the awesomeness of what I had seen of what was going on at that moment almost within the reach of our arms the darkness, the desolation of our two souls, affected me as I had never been affected in my whole life before.

For there is a profound difference between two such creations. In the former, there is a piquant sense of the pathos and the awesomeness of life, but not of its unrelieved ugliness and disgust; an impression which is received from the latter.

She stiffened herself with a rustling sound of silk, proudly conscious of injured virtue, full of the charity that exacteth a high interest. "We did our best," replied Fitz, with a simple intrepidity which rather spoilt the awesomeness of the situation. "I am not speaking to you," returned the lady. "You have worked and have passed your examination satisfactorily.

Lashing rain, driven by the wind with sudden fury, pours down upon the hamlet lying just below, but leaves Wharram-le-Street without a drop of moisture. The widespread views all over the Howardian Hills and the sombre valley of the Derwent become impressive, and an awesomeness of Turneresque gloom, relieved by sudden floods of misty gold, gives the landscape an element of unreality.