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When the rays emanate from the centre of the triangle, it is a symbol of divine light. This is the true form of the masonic radiated triangle. TRILITERAL NAME. This is the word AUM, which is the ineffable name of God among the Hindoos, and symbolizes the three manifestations of the Brahminical supreme god, Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu.

Wherever we went in the Dewani Aum or hall of audience; in the Akbari Hammun or imperial baths; in the Sammam Burj or private palace of the padishahs, that famous and beautiful palace over whose gate the well-known inscription stands, "If there is a Paradise on earth, it is here;" in the court, in the garden everywhere was abandonment, everywhere the filthy occupations of birds, everywhere dirt, decay, desolation.

The followers of the Atharva-veda, in the section containing the question asked by Satyakama, read as follows: 'He again who meditates with this syllable Aum of three Matras on the highest Person, he comes to light and to the sun. As a snake frees itself from its skin, so he frees himself from evil. Up. Up. 'the highest Person' in connexion with both verbs.

Of the public parts of the palace, all that remain are the entrance hall, the Nobut Khana, the Dewani Aum, the Dewani Khas and the Rung Mahal, now used as a mess room, and one or two small pavilions. They are the gems of the palace, it is true, but without the courts and corridors connecting them they lose all their meaning and more than half their beauty.

Surely, if Naaman, in the midst of idolaters, was permitted to bow down in the house of Rimmon, to save his place at court, you may blamelessly bow down to save your life in a Buddhist temple. Now, no more casuistry, but do as I tell you! 'Aum, mani, padme, hum, again! Once more round the drum there!" We followed her a second time, Lady Meadowcroft giving in after a feeble protest.

Succumbing to the monk's spiritual charm not, I am sure, to his powerful physique!-the jungle animal refuses all meat in favor of rice and milk. The swami has taught the tawny-haired beast to utter "AUM" in a deep, attractive growl-a cat devotee! Our next encounter, an interview with a learned young sadhu, is well described in Mr. Wright's sparkling travel diary.

Vivekananda honored and revered and followed, according to his interpretation of the message, Sri Ramakrishna, whom an increasing number of Hindus regard as the latest incarnation of Aum the Absolute. Not that the reader is to understand, that Sri Ramakrishna's message contradicted the essential character of the basic principles of orthodox Hinduism, as set down in the Vedas and the Upanashads.

Mankind has always been promised immortality through spiritual union with what? An abstract principle called God, or Aum or any other impersonal formless all-inclusive Being? No, but with his mate. On this point we trust that there will not remain any obscurity. There is no higher God than Love. There is no higher love than sexual-love in its highest manifestation.

A flowing yellow robe half hid their ash-smeared limbs. A tall Sannyasi the most ascetic of sects his lean yellow-robed form supported by a long staff at the end of which swung a yellow bag, strode solemnly along with eyes fixed on a book, the Bhagavad Gita, muttering, "Aum, to the light of earth, the divine light that illumines our souls. Aum!"

Certain ancients were better versed in the potency of sounds than we are to-day. Study in occult writings the magic pronunciation of Aum, Amitabha, Allah, of certain chants and spirit-invoking incantations of old, and one draws a conception of the powers of friendly sounds and the injurious effects of discordant sounds, such as we are surrounded by....