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But these were broken again by the light toes of hundreds of gay fowls softly feathering the sea, alternate with their fitful flight; and like to some flag-staff rising from the painted hull of an argosy, the tall but shattered pole of a recent lance projected from the white whale's back; and at intervals one of the cloud of soft-toed fowls hovering, and to and fro skimming like a canopy over the fish, silently perched and rocked on this pole, the long tail feathers streaming like pennons.

Then Anne went out on the heels of Mary Nellen, hearing Miss Amabel conclude, as she left, with an apologetic note unfamiliar to her soft voice, "He wants you to write something, Jeff, for the Argosy."

For all that shore or water suggested of an encompassing civilization, the canoe driven by the taciturn Leary might have been the argosy of the first explorer of the inland seas.

But not for any fancy of mine must you picture ruin any more as something graced with splendour, or as it were an argosy reaching the shores of our day laden with grandeur and dignity out of antiquity. Ruin to-day is not covered with ivy, and has no curious architecture or strange secrets of history, and is not beautiful or romantic at all.

"Our own people rarely drink like you." "He was no innocent! He tippled, tippled. Then I came along and set up my sign, Edmund Crabbe Hawtree, Esquire; no, we'll drop the last and stick to E. Crabbe without the Esquire, d n it! Lord! what a mess I've made of it, and this rankles, Ringfield. Listen. Over at Argosy Island there's a slabsided, beastly, canting Methodist Yankee who has a shop too.

He went to it with an open and receptive nature, and with an earnestness of purpose which could not fail to be productive. Jean Paul, the beautiful! the good man, and the wise teacher, with poetic stuff in him sufficient to have floated an argosy of modern writers, this great, imaginative Jean Paul was for a long time Carlyle's idol, whom he reverently and affectionately studied.

"You shall thrash him, and he will put it in his paper, and the European papers will copy." "I haven't much idea the Argosy is read in foreign capitals," Jeff felt bound to assure her. "Oh, but we can cable it. The French journals they used to be very good to me." With that her face darkened, not in a softening melancholy, but old bitterness and defeat.

They were not a little astonished to see countless numbers of oysters clinging to the branches of the mangrove-trees overhanging the water. These and plenty of lemons, which they found very wholesome and refreshing, were used as food. Once more the Golden Hind was at sea steering northward, the richest argosy which had ever yet floated on the ocean.

Lord Houghton has written: "The men who called their passion piety, And wrecked this noble argosy of faith, They little thought how beauteous could be death, How fair the face of time's aye-deepening sea, Nor arms that desolate, nor years that flee, Nor hearts that fail, can utterly deflower This grassy floor of sacramental power Where we now stand communicants."

No more! when it dreams of and clings to that thought of meeting, as the life and vital blood of to-morrow! when the heart is liquid the eyes moist with tenderness the warp of thought woven of golden thread at such a moment for the blow of the wave to fall, and drown the precious argosy with all its freight of love, and hope, and memory this is the supreme agony of youth, the last and most refined of tortures.