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"This marriage was solemnised between us, "In the presence of "DAVID APREECE. "WILLIAM SMITH. "The above is a true copy taken from the registry of marriages, in A -parish, this 19th day of March, 18 , by me, "MORGAN JONES, Curate of C ." Lord Lilburne again cast his eye over the lines prefixed to this startling document, which, being those written at Caleb's desire, by Mr.

I suppose you have heard various jeux d'esprit on the marriage of Sir Humphry Davy and Mrs. Apreece? I scarcely think any of them worth copying: the best idea is stolen from the bon mot on Sir John Carr, "The Traveller beknighted." "When Mr. Davy concluded his last Lecture by saying that we were but in the Dawn of Science, he probably did not expect to be so soon beknighted."

"There, there, Berks, that's all right!" cried my uncle, only too anxious to smooth things over and to prevent a quarrel at the outset of the evening. "Here are some more of our friends. How are you, Apreece? How are you, Colonel? Well, Jackson, you are looking vastly better. Good evening, Lade. I trust Lady Lade was none the worse for our pleasant drive.

Surrey, bequeathed to her by the General, to his great nephew, Eugene, Marquis of Bellegarde, in France, then in the Dutch service, but born in England, and his heirs, with all her plate, jewels, &c.; to her nephews, John and Charles Apreece, and their sister Dorothy, wife of Cole, an annuity of £100 amongst them, and the survivor for life; and if either John or Charles succeed to the Baronet's title, the annuity to go over to the other; but if their sister survive, she to have only £200 per annum; also four annuities, of £50 each, to four of her female friends or neighbors.

He was knighted in 1812, and soon afterwards married Mrs. Apreece, a lively, pretty, and wealthy widow. He had not reached middle age when his health began to fail, and he died in 1829, aged little more than fifty.

All these annuities are charged on the Cranham estate, which she gives in trust to Sir George Allanson Wynne, Bart., and Mr. Granville Sharpe, for the use of her nephew, Sir Thomas Apreece, of Washingley, Co. Huntingdon, for life, remainder in tail to his issue male or female, remainder to his brothers John and Charles, and sister Dorothy, successively, remainder to her own right heirs.

She stayed some days, and was very brilliant and agreeable. She continued, as Mrs. Apreece and as Lady Davy, to be a kind friend and correspondent of Maria's. MARIA to C. SNEYD EDGEWORTH, AT EDINBURGH. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Dec. 30, 1808. How little we can tell from day to day what will happen to us or our friends.

"This marriage was solemnised between us, "PHILIP BEAUFORT. "CATHERINE MORTON. "In the presence of "DAVID APREECE. "WILLIAM SMITH. "The above is a true copy taken from the registry of marriages, in A parish, this 19th day of March, 18 , by me, "MORGAN JONES, Curate of C ."

Apreece. Little domestic comfort ever came of the marriage. Yet he was a chivalrous man, and took the issue calmly. It is always in his letters, "My dear Jane," and "God bless you! Yours affectionately." But these expressions bound the tender passages. It was altogether a gentlemanly and a lady-like affair.

He had invited not only the chief fighting-men of the day, but also those men of fashion who were most interested in the ring: Mr. Fletcher Reid, Lord Say and Sele, Sir Lothian Hume, Sir John Lade, Colonel Montgomery, Sir Thomas Apreece, the Hon. Berkeley Craven, and many more.