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There was a stir among the guards; helmet-visors were being snapped down; feet scuffed. They stiffened to attention, the great doors at the other end of the grand salon slid open, and the guards presented arms as the Adityan delegation was ushered in. There were fourteen of them. They all wore ankle-length gowns, and they all had shaven heads.

Carl found himself bumping into others, continually apologizing to Adelaide and the rest and not caring. For he saw a vision! Each time he turned toward the south end of the room he beheld Gertie Cowles glorified. She was out of ankle-length dresses! She looked her impressive eighteen, in a foaming long white mull that showed her soft throat. A red rose was in her brown hair.

His eyes traveled slowly over her carefully arranged hair, her make-up, her jewelry at throat and arms, her painted finger- and toenails, and then across the slim small-breasted lines of her body half revealed under her thin ankle-length tunic of Lyranian silk. "Satisfied?" she asked. "On Beta," he said bluntly, "your appearance would qualify you for a parasite camp.

How often one hears of the European's boredom whilst watching the Nautch Dance in which the Indian Nautch girl, fully clothed, indeed in high tight bodice and ankle-length, voluminous skirt, will drive her native audience clean crazy with the tapping of her feet and slight, undulating movements of the slender body and rod-like arms.

The fabricator had included an ankle-length cloak with heavy silver embroidery and the Imperial Seal; she considered that for a moment, settled it over her shoulders long enough to admire it in the mirror, and removed it. That was for formal ceremonies in which she used her military rank and title, not for every day.

She wore something ankle-length and long-sleeved in lusterless gray with an odd, smoky quality to it. "Isn't she the empress of Tranest or something of the sort?" Trigger asked. Quillan shook his head. "They've had no emperors there, technically, since they had to sign their treaty with the Federation. She just owns the planet, that's all." "What would she be doing, going to Manon?"

"Gimme," she said, lifting the pink-mull, ankle-length skirt as if it trailed a train and marching off down-street; "now you gimme!" An entirely new lack of self-consciousness enhanced her state of giddiness. A titter seemed to run just a scratch beneath the surface of her.

Polly's lithe, girlish figure looked almost tall by comparison with the children about her. She wore a plain, simple gown of white, which Mandy had helped her to make. It had been cut ankle-length, for Polly was now seventeen. Her quaint, old-fashioned manner, her serious eyes, and her trick of knotting her heavy, brown hair low on her neck, made her seem older.

Your Non Plush Ultra will have to be a neat, ankle-length riding skirt. You got one, haven't you? "'I have, says she, 'a very pretty one of tan corduroy, almost new, but I had looked forward to these, and I don't see yet "Then I thought of another way I might get to her without blurting out the truth.