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It would not perhaps be unfair to attribute to this cordial introduction something of the special interest which was evidently aroused by Miss Anderson's debut here on Saturday night. English playgoers recognize but vaguely the distinguishing characteristics of actors and actresses, whose fame has been won wholly by their performances on the other side of the Atlantic.

Anderson's remonstrance produced are very satisfactory and creditable to Government, and such explanations have followed upon the part of Sindhia, as must eventually strengthen our alliance with the Mahrattas, expose the designs of secret enemies, and secure the general tranquillity of India." The revolution begun by the Patel was soon completed.

"You may go, and my only instructions are that the work be done with the greatest possible haste." "It shall be done, sir," declared the colonel. "Come, boys." The three saluted and made their way from the general's quarters. In Colonel Anderson's tent they talked over their plans. "Just what is it we are supposed to find out?" asked Hal.

There was a beautiful fire, and the kettle boiled at once. He made tea on the hearth-rug and ate the biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen had brought for him up from Anderson's. "Gentlemen," she said, "must learn to give and take." He sighed again and again, like one who had escaped from danger.

Anderson's head and shoulders were in a full mellowed light; he held himself with an unconscious energy, answering to a certain force of feeling within; a proud strength and sincerity expressed itself through every detail of attitude and gesture; yet perhaps the delicacy, or rather sensibility, mingling with the pride, would have been no less evident to a seeing eye.

She was dressed up ready to go over to Mrs. Anderson's to tea. Sometimes young Harrison had tea at Anderson's Thursdays, usually. This was Thursday; and Norah was starting early, because it was "a good step of a way". She reported the visitor. Dad left the table, munching some bread, and went out to him.

Completely surprised at this sudden charge by the little body of men, that the German officers evidently believed entirely in their power, and still more surprised by their desperate offense in the face of overwhelming odds, the Germans, for a moment, gave way. That moment was enough for the success of Captain Anderson's strategy.

And as for the sale of Samuel Anderson's farms, that did not disturb him. Like almost everybody else at that time, August Wehle was strongly impressed by the assertions of the Millerites, and if the world should be finished in the next month, the farms were of no consequence.

"Then you think you were right to push him in, Armitage? I don't. Shall we ask Anderson's opinion?" "No, Jack, I beg and implore you to keep it dark. Of course I should never do it again. But Simmons and Bacon have sworn not to bring me into the affair. Toppin knows it was his own fault, and is a bit ashamed of it. There's only the March Hare besides yourself.

His commands of infantry and artillery were variously located on the mountains and in the valley, with his cavalry at Pottstown. It so happened that one of the division commanders had been taken seriously ill, and was sent to the rear. This gave an opportunity for Gen. Anderson to be placed in command of a good division at once. To Anderson's great delight Gen.