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Updated: August 9, 2024

Thus apprehensive and ever scheming, Robert Beaufort spoke to Philip so much, and with such apparent feeling, of his wish to gratify, at the earliest possible period, the last wish of his son, in the union now arranged he spoke, with such seeming consideration and good sense, of the avoidance of all scandal and misinterpretation in the suit itself, which suit a previous marriage between the claimant and his daughter would show at once to be of so amicable a nature, that Philip, ardently in love as he was, could not but assent to any hastening of his expected happiness compatible with decorum.

But on the east there is a river which may become a good pathway to a central population who are friendly to the English; and if we can conciliate the less amicable people on the river, and introduce commerce, an effectual blow will be struck at the slave-trade in that quarter.

"I beseech your Lordship to stand good for me," said he; "considering the meanest captain in all the country hath as good entertainment as I." "I can do but little for you before my departure," said Leicester; "but at my return I will advise to do more." After this amicable conversation Morris thanked his Lordship, took his leave, and straightway wrote his letter to Count Hollock.

The traps the Indian had would be of much service to the white boys and would increase their own gains not a little. So upon this amicable basis the Indian joined the party and the next day Lot and Enoch, directed by Crow Wing, traveled to the Indian's camp and packed back both the traps and the skins.

In the execution of such a plan nothing is more essential than that permanent inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded, and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave.

It was agreed to liberate the prisoners, to restore the furniture, and to send a special deputation for the purpose of making further arrangements with the Duke by word of mouth, and for this deputation his Highness was requested to furnish a safe conduct. Anjou was overjoyed when he received this amicable communication.

"Major O'Flaherty, of his majesty's fifth foot," said Tom, with a very sonorous emphasis on each word "the bearer of a flag of truce and an amicable proposition from Major-General Allen, commanding the garrison of Fort Peak." The Americans, who were evidently taken by surprise at their intentions of attack being known, were silent, while he continued

Although so obviously competitors, and that in a matter of trade, the interest which above all others is apt to make men narrow-minded and hostile to each other, though the axiom would throw this particular reproach on doctors, there were no visible signs that the two vessels did not maintain the most amicable relations.

He tells me grand things about my disinterestedness, and the creditors and they have promised to let us stay unmolested as long as I please, which will be only till my uncle can move, for I must get rid of all these servants and paraphernalia, and in the meantime they are concocting the amicable adjustment, and Mr.

And why did not the workingmen receive what was done for them with the right spirit give up their envious and suspicious feelings, improve every precious chance of getting knowledge, work for their employers as they would for themselves, cease to use the power of the unions unjustly, cultivate amicable relations with everybody, and try in all possible ways to make true men of themselves?

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