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Thus aleph, an ox; beth, a tent; daleth, a tent-door; lamed, an ox-goad; mem, water; tzadde, a fish-hook; quoph, a coil of rope; gimel, a camel; yod, a hand; oin, an eye; vau, a hook or link; heth, a basket; caph, a head; nun, a fish; phe, a mouth; shin, a tooth; resh, a head; etc., all speaking to us of the ordinary things of a simple, wandering life.

The lamentations of Jeremiah have the form of an acrostic, that is, the verses begin with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in regular order, the first with Aleph, the second with Beth, and so in succession.

A smaller girl with scars of eczema on her forehead eyed him, listlessly holding her battered caskhoop. Tell him if he smokes he won't grow. O let him! His life isn't such a bed of roses. Waiting outside pubs to bring da home. Come home to ma, da. Slack hour: won't be many there. He crossed Townsend street, passed the frowning face of Bethel. El, yes: house of: Aleph, Beth.

And then these extra prayers were printed so prettily, they rhymed so profusely. Many were clever acrostics, going right through the alphabet from Aleph, which is A, to Tau, which is T, for Z comes near the beginning of the Hebrew alphabet.

The pupils on the bench shouted their way from aleph to tav, cheered and prompted by the growl of the rebbe; while the children in the corridor waiting their turn played "puss in the corner" and other noisy games. Fetchke and I, however, soon began to have our lessons in private, at our own home. We sat one on each side of the rebbe, reading the Hebrew sentences turn and turn about.

Who that has ever heard it, can forget the sounds of the various notes with which these little people intonated their 'Aleph, Zubbin ah, Zair a, Paiche oh, as they moved backwards and forwards in their recitations?

"Ye STINGY OLD BEAST," she replied, very slowly and distinctly, "I wish ye were dead and out of the way. I'll be doing it myself some of these odd times." And looking at him fixedly and pointing her finger, she began the Hebrew alphabet Aleph, Beth, &c. from the 119th Psalm. "I won't have it," screamed the old man.

"Seventh: I bequeath my 'Essay upon the Hebrew Letter Aleph' to the College of William and Mary, requesting that it shall be disposed of to some scientific body in Europe, for not less than twenty thousand pounds that sum to be dedicated to the founding of a new professorship to be called the Hoffland Professorship for the instruction of young men going to woo their sweethearts.

It is also found in the Hindu Rakshasa. The animal is very handy with them, as I learnt by experience when trying to "Rareyfy" one at Bayrut. Mr. W. F. Kirby has made him the subject of a pretty poem. "Kamat Alfiyyah," like an Alif, the first of the Arabic alphabet, the Heb. Aleph. In numerals "Alif" denotes one or one thousand.

Aleph Beth Gymel Deleth He Vau Zay Heth Thet Joht Kapho Lampd Mem Num Sameth Ey Fhee Sade Coph Resch Son Tau FROM this country of the Samaritans that I have spoken of before go men to the plains of Galilee, and men leave the hills on that one part. And Galilee is one of the provinces of the Holy Land, and in that province is the city of Nain and Capernaum, and Chorazin and Bethsaida.