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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Aitin' the flesh of heretics is forbidden, I dare say, sure enough," replied Darby; "an' troth it's a commandment not likely to be broken for dirty morsels they are, God knows; but is there anything said against aitin' the flesh of their sheep or cows or that forbids us to have a touch at a good fat goose, or a turkey, or any harmless little trifle o' the kind?

Which of you has a cow to steal? for, by the sweets o' rosin, I'm low in cash, and want a thrifle to support nather; for nather, my boys, must be supported, and it was never my intintion to die for want o' my vittles; aitin' and drinkin' is not very pleasant to most people, I know, but I was born wid a fancy for both." "Rantin' Rody, in airnest, will you go up and have your fortune tould?"

'It is not three score and tin or any fine thing like that; it is only a blaguard dhraggin that is disturbin' the counthry and ruinatin' my tinanthry wid aitin' their powlthry, and I'm lost for want of eggs, says the king. 'Throth, thin, plaze your worship, says the waiver, 'you look as yollow as if you swallowed twelve yolks this minit.

"Och, seven or eight shillin's anyway," said Paddy, in the tone of one to whom shillings had already become trivial coins; "and that, mind you, after you've ped for the best of aitin' and dhrinkin', and your kit free, and no call to be spendin' another penny unless you plase.

I sweir I'll lie i' the street gin ye dinna lat me. I'll sleep as soun' 's Peter MacInnes whan Maccleary's preachin'. An' I winna ate muckle I hae a dreidfu' pooer o' aitin' an' a' 'at I gether I'll fess hame to you, to du wi' 't as ye like. Man, I cairriet a heap o' things the day till the skipper o' that boat 'at ye gaed intil wi' Maister Ericson the nicht. He's a fine chiel' that skipper!

"Done it! av coorse ye have!" cried Flinn, picking up an enormous bird; "it cudn't have bin nater done by a sportin' lord." "Then it ain't a tame one?" asked Slagg eagerly. "No more a tame wan than yoursilf, an' the best of aitin' too," said. Flinn.

"A what-cock?" asked Slagg, who afterwards described the noise to be like the flapping of a mainsail. "A pay-cock. Splendid aitin'. Fire, avic!" "What! fire at that?" cried Slagg, as a creature of enormous size and gorgeous plumage rose above the bushes. "Ye must be jokin'. I couldn't fire at that."

But, troth to tell, whan ye see live fowk sae gien ower to the boady,'at they're never happy but whan they're aitin' or drinkin' or sic like an' the auld captain was seldom throu' wi' his glaiss,'at he wasna cryin' for the whisky or the het watter for the neist whan the boady's the best half o' them, like, an' they maun aye be duin' something wi' 't, ye needna won'er 'at the ghaist o' ane sic like sud fin' himsel' geyan eerie an' lonesome like, wantin' his seck to fill, an' sae try to win back to hae a luik hoo it was weirin'."

He'll brake me out o'house an' home feedin' him; he has a stomach for ten-penny-nails; be my word it 'ud be a charity to give him a dose of oak bark to make him dacent; he's a divil at aitin', an' little good may it do him!"

So while it was fumblin' about, missin' the right crevice, sez I, poppin' up, thinkin' to shame it, 'Maybe the crawly snail's after aitin' it on you, sez I. 'Och, yis; I seen it, sez the spalpeen, as brazen as brass. 'Gimme 'noder bit instid. There's a schemin' young rapscallion for you!" "They're too like their mother altogether to plase me," said Judy Ryan.

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