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He saw that in her present mood expostulation would only aggravate the evil he longed to correct, and hoping to divert the current of her thoughts, he said, "I trust you will not deem me impertinently curious if I ask what singular freak bestowed upon you the name of 'Agla'?" A startling change swept over her features, and her tone was haughtily challenging. "What interest can Dr.

Even such a crumbling arch, beautiful and grand in its glorious promise, is the incomplete, crownless life of Agla Gerome, a lonely and melancholy monument of a gigantic failure.

Grey; he will bear no hand but mine, and it is rather dangerous to caress him, as you may judge from the fangs he is showing you." The dog was remarkably tall, silky, beautifully formed, and of a soft mole-color; and around his neck a collar formed of four small silver chains, bore an oval silver plate on which was engraved in German text, "Ich Dien Agla Gerome."

I long ago tried your remedy travelling, and for four years I wandered up and down, and over the face of the old world; but amid the crumbling columns of Persepolis, I was still Agla Gerome, the wretched; and when I stood on the margin of the Lake of Wan, I saw in its waves the reflection of the same hopeless woman who now lies before you.

"It was that avidity, and the indiscreet pronouncing of the name of Agla, which has angered them. You must know, my son, that it is impossible for philosophers to arrest the vengeance of this irascible people.

Description of the towns and cities of the Interior, and those of the Kingdom of Fez. Seisouan. Wazen. Zawiat. Muley Dris. Sofru. Dubdu. Taza. Oushdah. Agla. Nakbila. Meshra. Khaluf. The Places distinguished in. Morocco, including Sous, Draka, and Tafilett. Tefza. Pitideb. Ghuer. Tyijet. Bulawan. Soubeit Meramer. El-Medina. Tagodast. Dimenet. Aghmat. Fronga. Tedmest. Tekonlet. Tesegdelt. Tagawost.

Behold in the desolate, lonely woman, who hides her disgrace under the name of Agla Gerome, that bride of an hour, that Evelyn whose heart you stabbed! Does the wreck entirely satisfy you? What more could even fiendish malevolence desire?" "Evelyn, you wrong me. For mercy's sake do not upbraid and taunt me so unjustly!"

"Well, then, know that whenever you want the assistance of a Sylph, you have but to pronounce the simple word Agla, and the sons of the air will at once come to you. But understand, M. Abbe, that the word must be spoken by the heart as well as by the lips, and that faith alone gives it its virtue. Without faith it is nothing but a useless murmur.

Lincoln opening the door into his apartment, the missionary saw before him his three children, sleeping peacefully in their nice beds, and his wife seated in a rocking-chair, exercising a world of self-control, in order to carry out the plot of surprising him. If the Scottish bard found it a hard experience that 'The best laid schemes of mice and men Gang oft agla'

As for my name, I sometimes wonder whether in the last great gathering in the court of Heaven, my own mother will know what to call her unbaptized child, whether the sins charged against me will be read out as those of Vashti, or Evelyn, or Agla.