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Shall it be in vain that I delivered Abellino into your power? Andreas. It was to the brave Flodoardo that I promised Rosabella. I never entered into any engagement with the murderer Abellino. Let Flodoardo claim my niece, and she is his; but Abellino can have no claim to her. Again I say lay down your arms. The murderer Abellino, say you? Ho! ho!

Without uttering a single cry, sank the banditti captain at the feet of Abellino: the death-rattle was heard in his throat, and after a few horrible convulsions all was over. Now did Matteo's murderer look again towards the arbour, and beheld Rosabella half senseless, as she lay on the bank of turf.

Now I would lay a heavy wager that the Florentine will return without having finished the business. A Senator. And I would engage, on the contrary, that there is but one man in Venice who is capable of seizing Abellino, and that THAT man is Flodoardo of Florence.

This miscreant, the object of aversion to every honest man in Venice, to whom nothing is sacred or venerable, and who has hitherto set at defiance the whole vengeance of the Republic before another hour expires, perhaps this outcast of hell may stand before you in this very saloon." Abellino? What, the bravo Abellino? Gonzaga. Of his own accord! Andreas. No, not of his own accord, in truth.

And from this day forth I vote that Thomaso should be our captain. Struzza. Aye, in Matteo's stead. All. Right, right. Abellino. To which I say amen with all my heart. Now, then, all is decided.

Was it he who opposed this confounded Abellino to Matteo, and charged him to mar my plans against her? That seems likely; and now, when the Doge inquires who it was that employed assassins to murder his niece, what other will be suspected than Parozzi, the discontented lover, to whom Rosabella refused her hand, and whom Andreas hates past hope of reconciliation?

I have no need of any other paradise, for this world is now a paradise to me." And laughing aloud, and with a beaming countenance, he mingled with the company, presenting his wife to the most distinguished persons present, who overwhelmed him with congratulations. And Abellino was obliged to look on all the time!

Jock had listened patiently to this harangue. His eyes followed attentively every movement of the stranger, and a sort of resigned melancholy gradually stole over his features. "Then what brings my lord hither out of heaven into hell?" "Hélas!" sighed Abellino, drumming a march on his plate with his knife and fork. "An unavoidable piece of business.

That was saying a great deal, and there was no blinking it, not only because Rudolf was right and enjoyed the best of reputations, but also because he was known to be the best shot and swordsman in the place, and cool-headed and lucky to boot. So from henceforth Madame Kárpáthy's name ceased to be alluded to in the club. What Abellino had cause to tremble at had really happened.

Besides, it is a tradition in your family that the ladies find the gentlemen amiable even in advanced old age. The day that I encountered your kinswoman at Szolnok, I thought she looked happier and more contented than I had ever seen her before." "Hell and devils!" exclaimed Abellino, mad with rage. "What can be the reason why this woman is so happy and contented?