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He was even suspected in the field not to have pushed to the utmost against the king the advantages obtained by the arms of the parliament; and Cromwell in the public debates revived the accusation, that this nobleman had wilfully neglected at Dennington Castle a favorable opportunity of finishing the war by a total defeat of the royalists. * Clarendon, vol. v. p. 561.

In 558, in consequence of divers incidents brought about naturally or by violence, Clotaire I. ended by possessing alone, during three years, all the dominions of his fathers. At his death, in 561, they were partitioned afresh amongst his four sons; Charibert was king of Paris; Gontran of Orleans and Burgundy; Sigebert I., of Metz; and Childeric, of Soissons.

From a spirited description in No. 2, United Service Journal, intended for abridgment probably in our next. The revenue of the thirteen theatres of Paris during last year, amounted to the great sum of £233,561 sterling; that of the two establishments for the performance of the regular drama amounting only to £26,600, or not more than a tithe of the whole.

This fact had also been established for Saturn's fifth satellite, and may be true for all satellites. In 1826 Struve measured the diameters of the four satellites, and found them to be 2,429, 2,180, 3,561, and 3,046 miles. In modern times much interest has been taken in watching a rival to Cassini's famous spot.

It could not go far south, because the coasting trade was destroyed by the enemy's fleets, and the South could not send forward its produce by land to obtain money in return. The deposits in Massachusetts banks increased from $2,671,619, in 1810, to $8,875,589, in 1814; while in the same years the specie held was respectively $1,561,034 and $6,393,718.

Riccoboni wrote to Garrick on May 3, 1769: 'Vous conviendrez que les nobles sont peu ménagés par vos auteurs; le sot, le fat, ou le malhonnête homme mêlé dans l'intrigue est presque toujours un lord. Garrick Corres, ii. 561. Dr.

It was gallant, it was magnificent, and it was costly the British casualty list for September 12 to October 6, 1914, being, killed, wounded and missing, 561 officers and 12,980 men but it was useless, and only served to give the Allies a temporary base whereby General Foch was successful in checking the German attempt to capture the Rheims-Verdun railway.

Nevertheless the fear of Japanese vengeance induced Shiragi to hold its hand, and, in the year 561, an attempt was made twice to renew friendly relations with the Yamato Court by means of tribute-bearing envoys. Japan did not repel these overtures, but she treated the envoy of the victorious Shiragi with less respect than that extended to the envoy of the vanquished Kudara.

Const. ii. 561, note. Writings of Washington, ix. 266, note. Elliot, Debates, iii. 161, 57, 63. Elliot, Debates, iii. 23, 52, 44, 156. Elliot, Debates, iii. 150, 462, 445-446. Elliot, Debates, iii. 149-150. Elliot, Debates, iii. 58-60. Bancroft, Hist. Const. ii. 459-460. Elliot, Debates, iii. 653. Elliot, Debates, iii. 652. Bancroft, Hist. Const. ii. 316-317. Rives, Life of Madison, ii. 610.

The document relative to the establishment of the monastery and church is still preserved amongst the archives of the kingdom, and bears the date 561.