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When he had his men lined up, he got on a chair, told about the value of the goods for sale, and asked for bids in regular auctioneer style. The highest bidder got the nomination for $5000. Now, that wasn't right at all. These things ought to be always fixed up nice and quiet. As to officeholders, they would be ingrates if they didn't contribute to the organization that put them in office.

Most of the young ladies who had thus bestowed themselves on their fortunate admirers, are described as 'sprightly, and many as 'genteel and agreeable; some have 'a genteel fortune, other's 'a considerable fortune, and others, again, rejoice in the possession of 'a large fortune: one man gains 'a well-accomplished young lady, with a fortune of L.1000; another takes unto himself 'an agreeable widow lady, with a fortune of L.2000; a third marches off with 'a young lady endowed with every accomplishment to make the marriage state happy, with a fortune of L.5000; while a fourth Benedict, more lucky still, obtains 'a most amiable, affable, and agreeable young lady, with a fortune of L.10,000. We suppose that the best excuse newspaper editors now have for being less florid in their matrimonial announcements is, that where the papers formerly had one, they have now at least a dozen of these interesting notices; so that their brevity may be less owing to the want of gallantry than to the want of space.

He never means for a moment that he would like to change with us. Life seems to him so much better a thing in France for so many more people, that, in spite of the fearful troubles of France, it is best to be a Frenchman. A Frenchman might agree with Mr. Cobden, that life is good in England for those people who have at least £5000 a year.

Indeed they doubted whether it could be captured by an assault of less than 5000 men, a number which appeared at this stage of the campaign so appalling that it is mentioned as a sort of standard of comparison with the impossible. It was not till the appearance of Cromwell, with his highly paid and disciplined force, that the tragedy began.

Lockyer holds, Egypt borrowed astronomy from Babylon in connection with temple-building, more than 5000 years B.C., the religion of Babylon must indeed be carried far into the past. People and Literature.

The superintendent's report for 1847 shows that schools for Negroes had been established in fifteen counties in the State, reporting an enrollment of 5000 pupils. For the maintenance of these schools the sum of $17,000 had been annually expended.

Here, on the road which formed McClellan's line of communication with Washington, a few waggons were captured, and information came to hand that 4000 or 5000 Federal troops were near Poolesville, guarding the fords across the Potomac. Moving at a trot through the woods, the column, leaving Poolesville two or three miles to the left, made for the mouth of the Monocacy.

The said plans to provide for the erection in the first instance of such portions of the building as are specified below to be hereafter incorporated with the general design when completed; the sum at present disposable being limited to about £5000. 1ST. Two large rooms, each calculated for separate classes of 50 non-resident students.

Mustapha enrolled the Cretan Mussulmans regularly as bashi-bazouks to the number of 5000, gave the Christian population the choice of going into the mountains or submitting and taking the written protections of the government, and made vigorous preparations for a serious campaign.

On a former occasion, you remember, when she required five hundred pounds to hire and furnish a studio, she wrote very sharply because we had written to you on the subject. She spoke of a breach of professional etiquette. 'Then why do you tell me now about this 5000 pounds? 'Strictly speaking we ought not to have done so, but we thought that we might venture on a confidential statement.