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Darcy; the Squire took Lady Charlotte. Catherine fell to Mr. Bickerton, Rose to Mr. Wynnstay, and the rest found their way in as best they could. Catherine seeing the distribution was happy for a moment, till she found that if Rose was covered on her right she was exposed to the full fire of the enemy on her left, in other words that Langham was placed between her and Dr. Meyrick.

Farther down the valley is the mansion of Wynnstay, in the midst of a large and richly wooded park, a circle of eight miles enclosing the superb domain, within which are herds of fallow-deer and many noble trees. The old mansion was burnt in 1858, and an imposing structure in Renaissance now occupies the site.

'I am altogether at your service, he said, sitting down with resignation. 'It is all that tiresome woman, Lady Charlotte Wynnstay, she whispered to him behind the music-stand. I never saw such a person in my life. 'Macaulay's Lady, Holland without the brains, suggested Langham with languid vindictiveness as he gave her the note. Meanwhile Mr. Wynnstay and the Squire sauntered in together.

'She wouldn't be a woman if she didn't! observed Mr. Wynnstay, sotto voce. The small dark man was lost in a great armchair, his delicate painter's hands playing with the fur of a huge Persian cat. Lady Charlotte threw him an eagle glance, and he subsided for the moment. Flaxman, however, was perfectly right. There had been a breeze.

With you all the cynics of history; with us all the "scorners of the ground" from the world's beginning until now! The squire make a quick impatient movement. Mr. Wynnstay looked significantly at his wife, who dropped her eyeglass with a little irrepressible smile. As for Robert, leaning forward with hastened breath, it seemed to him that his eyes and the squire's crossed like swords.

Yesterday afternoon, after I wrote to you, we went to see Rose's artistic friends the Piersons with whom she was staying last summer, and to-day we have even called on Lady Charlotte Wynnstay. 'As to Mrs. Pierson, I never saw such an odd bundle of ribbons and rags and queer embroideries as she looked when we called. However, Rose says that, for "an æsthete" she despises them now herself Mrs.

Rose drew back a moment astounded, one hand on the piano, her dress sweeping round her. An awkward silence fell on the chattering circle of musicians. 'Good heavens! said Langham to himself, 'Lady Charlotte Wynnstay! 'How do you do, Miss Leyburn? said one of the most piercing of voices. 'Are you surprised to see me? You didn't ask me perhaps you don't want me.

'I am altogether at your service, he said, sitting down with resignation. 'It is all that tiresome woman, Lady Charlotte Wynnstay, she whispered to him behind the music-stand. 'I never saw such a person in my life. 'Macaulay's Lady Holland without the brains, suggested Langham with languid vindictiveness as he gave her the note. Meanwhile Mr. Wynnstay and the squire sauntered in together.

Wynnstay in the drawing-room alone, one on either side of the fire. Lady Charlotte was reading the latest political biography with an apparent profundity of attention; Mr. Wynnstay was lounging and caressing the cat. But both his aunt's absorption and Mr. Wynnstay's nonchalance seemed to Flaxman overdone. He suspected a domestic breeze. Lady Charlotte made him effusively welcome.

And then the smaller some of them, ethically, very small women; Lady Wynnstay, Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. Thornburgh; above all, Robert's delightful Irish mother, and Mrs. Darcy; how excellent they are! Mrs. Darcy we seem to have known, yet cannot have enough of, rejoiced to catch sight of her capital letter on the page, as we read on.