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Updated: August 20, 2024

To be sure, I hadn't ordered any worsteds, but there might possibly be a note to explain; so I shook every skein carefully, and turned the covering inside out, that the document, if there should be one, might not escape my vigilance. How could my presentiments deceive me? Of course there was a note after all, where was the harm?

You all like your horrid fuzzy tweeds and worsteds too well!" "You speak with feeling. One would almost suspect that you already had tried to bring about a reform and failed. Perhaps Mr. Cyril, now, or Mr. Bertram " Arkwright stopped with a whimsical smile. Billy flushed a little.

On returning, Sophia found her mother putting on her bonnet, having remembered that it was quite time she should be stepping across the way to hear how poor Mrs Enderby was, after the thunder-storm of three days ago. This reminded Sophia that she ought to be inquiring about the worsteds which Mrs Howell must have got down from London by this time, to finish Mrs Grey's rug.

And it was Aunt Polly who brought home the other story that she had heard about the poor old lady who had only two teeth, but who was so glad that those two teeth "hit"! Pollyanna now, like Mrs. Snow, was knitting wonderful things out of bright colored worsteds that trailed their cheery lengths across the white spread, and made Pollyanna again like Mrs.

And off he went as he had finished speaking, and I shaking my new friend cordially by an exceeding bony unwashed paw, incontinently followed his example and in good time I did so; for I had scarcely changed my shooting boots and wet worsteds for slippers and silk socks, before my door, as usual, was lounged open by Tom's massy foot, and I was thus exhorted.

'Johnson was in his rusty brown and his black worsteds, and Gibbon in a suit of flowered velvet, with a bag and sword. His mouth, mellifluous as Plato's, was a round hole, nearly in the centre of his visage. Random Records, i. 121. Samuel Sharp's Letters from Italy were published in 1766. See ante, ii. 57, note 2, for Baretti's reply to them. It may be observed, that Mr.

"It must have been quite as much of a novelty to her as it was to you, old chap," said Leslie gloomily. "What do you mean?" "Vivian's a bit of a snob. She never liked the place because old man Gooch built it out of worsteds. She never went there." "But the old man's been dead for years." "That doesn't matter. The fact is, Vivian didn't quite take to Sara until after well, until after Challis died.

"But sometimes it is a trump, my dear young lady," said the Colonel, with unabated gallantry; "and when yo' mothah uses yarn, it is worsteds. But I respect worsteds even under the name of yarn: our ladies my own mothah and sistahs had to knit the socks we wore all we could get in the woe." "Yes, and aftah the woe," his daughter put in. "The knitting has not stopped yet in some places.

Norwich was formerly famous for its trade in woollens, the Dutch introducing them at the neighboring village of Worsted, whence the name. Now, the coal-mines have aided the spinning-jenny, but the worsteds are overshadowed by other Norwich manufactures. Colman's mustard-factories cover ten acres, and Barnard's ornamental iron-work from Norwich is world-renowned.

You said that you were going to make an affghan, and that the morning was so enchanting you could not bear the thought of touching your mending, but were going to luxuriate in the worsteds. Some time passed in sorting the colors, and deciding on the contrasts, and I forgot all about the doll. Not so little Blue Eyes.

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