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Reading about Victoria's nomination in the morning papers, Susan breathed a prayer of gratitude for a narrow escape, recording in her diary, "There never was such a foolish muddle all come of Mrs. She was surprised to find no condemnation of her actions in Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly but only the implication that the suffragists were too slow for Victoria's great work.

The following is a list of the members of the party so far as can be ascertained, as gathered from recollections and from the reports of the meetings of the reunions. The following named were living, so far as known, in 1893: John B. Colton and Alonzo C. Clay, of Galesburg, Ill., Luther A. Richards, of Woodhull, Ill., Chas.

And as I said, it's a far ways from the law out here, and getting farther every day, and wilder and wilder every day. It's only putting it off, Molly, but on the whole I was glad when Banion said he'd give up looking for Sam Woodhull this morning and go on back to his own men." "Did he say he'd give it up?" "Yes, he did. He said if I'd wait I'd see different.

"Shall I bring up our wagons an' jine ye all here at the ford this evenin'?" "I can't keep you from coming on up the road if you want to. I'll not ask you." "All right! We'll not park with ye then. But we'll be on the same water. Hit's my own fault we split. We wouldn't take orders from Sam Woodhull, an' we never will."

He reached down, caught an arm and helped Banion drag the man out on the grass. He caught off a handful of herbage and thrust it out to Woodhull, who remained silent before what seemed his certain fate. "Wipe off yore face, you skunk!" said the scout. Then he seated himself, morosely, hands before knees. "Will Banion," said he, "ye're a fool a nacherl-borned, congenual, ingrain damned fool!

One of the last, though least heated, of the many controversies in which he was engaged was in regard to the conduct on a particular occasion of General Oliver DeLancey, a cousin of his wife's father. This officer was charged unjustly, as Cooper believed, with the brutal treatment of the American General Woodhull, who had fallen into his hands.

But what they remembered was that he appointed as his wagon-column captains Sam Woodhull, of Missouri; Caleb Price, an Ohio man of substance; Simon Hall, an Indiana merchant, and a farmer by name of Kelsey, from Kentucky.

When they took their departure Miss Woodhull suddenly remembered that they had not been introduced to her and that she had not the vaguest idea of their names. Which of her teachers or pupils had been so very remiss?

If Will-o'-the-Wisp was aware of the name of her partner in the quartette hornpipe, or Tweedle-dum knew Tweedle-dee's surname Miss Woodhull was the one to find it out, not she. So smiling upon the group before her she asked: "Are you now all visible to the naked eye and all accounted for? If so, let us to the feast, for time is speeding."

Who it's to ain't none o' yore damn business!" "You're a cursed meddler!" broke out Woodhull. "You're a spy in our camp, that's all you are!" "So! Well, cussed meddler er not, I'm a cussed shore shot. An' I advise ye to give over on all this an' mind yore business.