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Updated: August 29, 2024

There was not a corner, not a building, along that too familiar way, that was not hung with some thought of care. There were moments of such strong repulsion that he felt as if he couldn't turn down that street again moments lately when to enter the factory with its red-brick-arched yawning mouth of a doorway occasioned a physical nausea a foolish, womanish state which irritated him.

"Oh," cried Lilly, her face ardent, "if only I some day " "Yes," continued her companion, dipping into her finger bowl and pushing back, "Madge always says it was that tip from my husband, a mere chance suggestion, gave her a start." "Wonderful!" They paid, each her check, leaving small womanish tips beside their saucers. "Well, I hope some day to have the pleasure of hearing you sing.

The gashlike mouth no longer dominated her other features, and the face, pale as ivory and most femininely shaped, suddenly became almost beautiful. The lips were a long, womanish curve of rose-red. Her hair was a dark maroon. Maskull was greatly disturbed; he thought that she resembled a spirit, rather than a woman. "What puzzles you?" she asked, smiling. "Nothing.

She began to walk stormily up and down. Doris sank back in her chair, watching her, conscious of the most strangely mingled feelings, a touch of womanish triumph indeed, a pleasing sense of retribution, but, welling up through it, something profound and tender. If he should ever write such a letter to a stranger, while his mother was alive! Lady Dunstable stopped.

From the first she had seen something touching in his slight stooping figure, thin young face and dark womanish eyes, and after she had heard the simple uneventful history of his life, she found them more touching still. He was a New Englander, the last surviving representative of a frail and short-lived family.

"That is womanish; but I am not weak or faint, though." "Do you maintain your purpose?" "Yes, certainly." "You had better take off your bonnet and shawl then. You would find them in the way." I obeyed, and went on to envelope myself in my apron. Dr. Sandford looked on grimly. Very ill pleased he was, I could see. But then I laid my hand on his arm and looked at him.

If all the women in the world should make up their minds that they wanted to vote worse than anything else on earth worse even than they want their husbands to go to church with them and each woman would put on her prettiest clothes, and cuddle up to her own particular man in her softest and most womanish way, when she was begging him to get suffrage for her why, you all know they would do it.

With an almost womanish tenderness, Carew had brought his friend back to the tent, and made him over to the care of Paddy who gave up all things else, for the sake of his little Canuck.

This was a Hamlet also of French extraction in the skill and school of the actor, but as much more deeply derived than the Hamlet of Mme. Bernhardt as the large imagination of Charles Fechter transcended in its virile range the effect of her subtlest womanish intuition.

His spear also he took where it stood against a pillar, saying, "Serve me well, my spear, that hast never failed me before, that I may lay low this womanish robber of Phrygia, and soil with dust his curled and perfumed hair." The next day the men of Italy and the men of Troy measured out a space for the battle. And in the midst they builded an altar of turf.

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