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And as she spoke she shook hands with Cartoner. "It is not such an ill chance, after all," said Deulin, "since it gives us the opportunity of seeing you. Where is your father?" "He is in his study." "I rather want to see him," said Deulin, looking at Martin. "Come along, then," was the answer. "He will be glad to see you. It will cheer him up." And Wanda and Cartoner were left alone.

After it the air seemed warmer, though snow fell again, and the thermometer went below zero. Wanda and her father did not return to Warsaw as they had intended.

That matter finally disposed of, left with the unsatisfactory conclusion that Garth had his own reasons for remaining silent, and that Shandon would soon hear from Leland, Wanda broached the other subject which had all along been the one cloud upon her happiness. Driven to the rim of her mind by her gayer moods it was still there, sinister and black upon the horizon.

"You came to Wanda my prisoner," he said. "You left because I do not kill white men, and they are not good slaves. But if you return to Wanda you will die. Therefore be wise, and go back to your people, as I go to mine!" Herne raised himself to a sitting position. His shoulder was beginning to hurt him intolerably, but he strove desperately to keep it in the background of his consciousness.

The young couple, however, lived beyond their means, and when the husband died suddenly, two years after they were married, she was left anything but well off. As Wanda had grown accustomed to luxury and amusement, a quiet life in her parents' house did not suit her any longer. Even while she was still in mourning for her husband, she allowed a Hungarian magnate to make love to her.

He perceived that his sister was changing her tactics. "You are very considerate and tender of Wanda," he said, "but not so much as I expect to be." The conversation, which was growing more and more unsatisfactory, was abruptly terminated by the entrance of one of the other members of the family. As a natural result of this interview Wanda was invited to go with them in the sail-boat next day.

At certain hours the fashionable world promenades beneath the trees, and at all times there is a thoroughfare across from one quarter of the town to another. Wanda often sat there in the morning or walked slowly with her father at such times as the doctor's instructions to take exercise were still fresh upon his memory.

"I hope it isn't through any fault of mine." "No " I replied, "and yet my love for you has become a sort of madness. The thought that I might lose you, perhaps actually lose you, torments me day and night." "But you don't yet possess me," said Wanda, and again she looked at me with that vibrant, consuming expression, which had already once before carried me away.

In 1873 he married Aurora von Rumelin, who wrote a number of novels under the pseudonym of Wanda von Dunajew, which it is interesting to note is the name of the heroine of Venus in Furs. Her sensational memoirs which have been the cause of considerable controversy were published in 1906. During his career as writer an endless number of works poured from Sacher-Masoch's pen.

Over it she wears a scarlet kazabaika, richly edged with ermine. Upon her powdered, snowy hair is a little diadem of diamonds. She stands with her arms folded across her breast, and with her brows contracted. "Wanda!" I run toward her, and am about to throw my arm about her to kiss her. She retreats a step, measuring me from top to bottom. "Slave!" "Mistress!"