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"Because one army or the other may chance to think that this building would be useful to them, and break open the walled-up door. Also they might explore this staircase, and then " "And then," answered Miriam quietly, "we should be taken. What of it? If the Jews find us we are of their party; if the Romans well, I do not greatly fear the Romans." "You mean you do not fear one Roman.

Ivan and Pouchskin got into one tree, while the izzard-hunter and Alexis chose another; and all having secured places where they could command a view of the walled-up entrance without being themselves seen, they waited for daylight and the coming back of the bear. For the light they had not long to wait.

The air also was still as the air of a walled-up tomb, where there are but dry bones, and not even the wind of an evil vapour that rises from decay. And through the dead air came ever the low moaning of a distant sea, towards which my feet did bear me. I had been journeying thus for years, and in their lapse it had grown but a little louder. Suddenly I was aware that I was not alone.

And with a start like that, they'll never lay hands on him again. He's got too much cleverness and he knows too many good hiding places. But Brice found the next best thing. You'd never guess! Rodney's secret cache for the treasure was that walled-up cellar. It's half full of canvas bags. Right under our feet, mind you, and we never knew a thing about it.

Then the Prince despatched five hundred picked men and officers to march by the aqueduct to the priest's vault; he put Thomas de Vaudemont, son of the Governor General of the Milanese, at the head of a large detachment of troops, with orders to occupy a redoubt that defended the Po, and to come by the bridge to his assistance, when the struggle commenced in the town; and he charged the soldiers secreted in the priest's house to break down the walled-up gate, so as to admit the troops whom he would lead there.

How it walled-up passion, as one read how a nun who had loved too much was walled-up, in the old fierce days, with bricks and mortar! "How are you all getting along? I'm in now, as you will see by my changed address.

"You would admit your men of bronze, then, into the walled-up domain in Stafford?" "I don't know," he said grimly. "With my violin, a good cook, English books and papers I hate your Yankee trash and occasional travel, I think I could get through life without very great ennui. I do not expect to be governor of Virginia for ten years yet!" And smiling, the journalist said:

I imagined my own language being spoken there five or six centuries ago, and speculated as to whether the accent was Cockney or Lancashire, or West of England. Several fig-trees grew beside the walled-up cavern, and I was picking the ripest of the fruit when I heard a voice from the road below calling upon me to come down.

Just outside this plain, and opposite one of the small bridges which leads into the native street termed Pazer Baroe, is the theatre, which is the most picturesque of the modern buildings of Batavia. Over the walled-up entrance of this house the remains of a skull spiked on a pike are still to be seen. Underneath is a tablet with the following inscription:

Instantly there came back to my memory a horrible German tale, read and forgotten fifteen years ago, of a certain old and unjust steward, Daniel by name, who, having murdered his master by casting him down an oubliettes, ever haunted the fatal tower, first as a sleep-walker, then as a restless ghost moaning and gibbering to himself, and tearing at a walled-up door with bleeding hands.