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Then it seemed to him that he should leave the option of this step with the lady, especially as he had detected recognition in her eye. But Mrs. Vivian ventured upon nothing special; she contented herself with soft generalities with remarking that she always liked to know when people would arrive; that, for herself, she never enjoyed surprises.

He had not been gone two minutes before I rang the bell and ordered the carriage, to take me to Major Fitz-David's house in Vivian Place. Walking to and fro while I was waiting I was in such a fever of excitement that it was impossible for me to sit still I accidentally caught sight of myself in the glass. My own face startled me, it looked so haggard and so wild.

"We are mere citizens here!" continued the Baron, taking a long pinch of snuff, "mere citizens! Do you snuff?" and here he extended to Vivian a gold box, covered with the portrait of a crowned head, surrounded with diamonds.

The deliberate reference to the revivalist fellow stung Canning like the flick of a glove in his face. "Dr. Vivian? He has not my disadvantage of laboring to save his affianced's name from everlasting disgrace." "Perhaps he doesn't find disgrace where you seem to look for it." "It is cheap to be prodigal with other men's belongings. What is this man to you?" "Hugo! Hugo!" broke from her.

Mainwaring retired, when Captain Pickering met and seized upon Vivian, led to the same subject, and gave similar hints, that Russell was the happy rival who had secretly made himself master of Lady Julia's heart.

In about three hours' time Vivian Grey, followed by the Government messenger, stopped at his hotel. The landlord and waiters bowed with increased obsequiousness on seeing him so attended, and in a few minutes Reisenburg was ringing with the news that his appointment to the Under-Secretaryship of State was now "a settled thing."

The Grand Marshal, during the process of introduction, had given the young lady every opportunity of declaring her name; but every opportunity was thrown away. "She must be incog.," whispered his Excellency; "Miss von Philipson, I suppose?" Vivian was not a little desirous of discovering the nature of the relationship or connection between Beckendorff and his partner.

Vivian Grey was leaning against an old beech-tree in the most secluded part of the park, and was gazing on the moon. O thou bright moon! thou object of my first love! thou shalt not escape an invocation, although perchance at this very moment some varlet sonnetteer is prating of "the boy Endymion" and "thy silver bow." Here to thee, Queen of the Night! in whatever name thou most delightest!

"Essper is coming out to-day," said Vivian to Miss Fane, "after a long, and, I venture to say, painful forbearance. However, I hope you will excuse him. It seems to amuse us." "I think it is delightful. See! here he comes again." He now appeared in his original costume; the one in which Vivian first met him at the fair.

The path ran, for a short way, through the shrubbery, which evidently was a belt encircling the grounds. From this the Prince and Vivian emerged upon a lawn, which formed on the farthest side a terrace, by gradually sloping down to the margin of the river. It was enclosed on the other side, and white pheasants were feeding in its centre.