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Darned if I didn't near cry myself looking at her, and I heard this stonefaced director breathing mighty short when she had to stand there with her hands clenched and watch her boy go out the door with this cop. Vida was too excited to sleep that night.

'No, I don't think so. 'He stared, Vida. He certainly stared very hard. Still she hesitated, clinging to the friendly shelter of the hansom. 'Oh, come on! He only stared because He took you for a Suffragette! But the indiscretion lit so angry a light in the lady's eye, that Vida was fain to add, 'No, no, do come and I'll tell you what he was really looking at. 'What? said Mrs.

In twenty minutes the party was again elevated to the decorum of a prayer-meeting. "We're going to do something exciting," Carol exclaimed to her new confidante, Vida Sherwin. She saw that in the growing quiet her voice had carried across the room. Nat Hicks, Ella Stowbody, and Dave Dyer were abstracted, fingers and lips slightly moving.

At the dance which followed the sleigh-ride Kennicott was devoted to the watery prettiness of Maud Dyer, and Vida was noisily interested in getting up a Virginia Reel. Without seeming to watch Kennicott, she knew that he did not once look at her. That was all of her first love-affair. He gave no sign of remembering that he was "terribly fond."

As Filey was quite the idlest of men, without the preoccupation of being a tolerable sportsman or even a player of games, Miss Levering's little laugh was echoed by others beside Lady Sophia. 'At all events, said Vida to Lord Borrodaile, as she stood up, and he drew her chair out of her way, 'even if we don't know much about these women, we've spent a happy hour denouncing them.

But as Vida afterwards confessed, she told herself that she would go 'just once more. It could not be but what she was under some illusion about that queer spectacle. From one impression each admitted it was difficult to shake herself free. Whatever those women were or were not, they weren't fools.

'Will tell you something of her impression of police-court justice in this country. Jean stole a wondering look at Stonor's sphinx-like face as Vida Levering came forward.

'We've been seeing just recently what they're made of, too! She paused on the threshold and began to tell in a low voice of women 'new to the work, who had been wavering, uncertain if they could risk imprisonment poor women with husbands and children. 'When they heard what it might mean this battle we're fighting they were ashamed not to help us! 'You mean Vida began, shrinking.

Fourteen years before, when Vida Levering was only eighteen, she had tried to make something like a conventional maid out of the faithful Northumbrian. Rachel Wark had entered Lady Levering's service just before Vida's birth, and had helped to nurse her mistress through a mortal illness ten years later.

Vida de Abran Lincoln, décimosesto Presidente de los Estados Unidos, precedida de una Introduccion. Por D. F. SARMIENTO. Nueva York: D. Appleton y Ca. This life of our lamented President, by the distinguished Argentine, now Minister to Washington, is a very interesting circumstance, aside from the merit of the work, which is very great.