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Updated: August 2, 2024

Tai-yue smiled. "But I've got another proposal. As the lines just paired are not sufficient, won't it be well to pick out those who've put together the fewest distiches, and make them versify on the red plum blossom?" "An excellent proposal!" Pao-ch'ai ventured laughing.

I leave him a bit of Latin composition, and what do I find but an endless doggerel ballad on What's his name? who hid under his father's staircase as a beggar, eating the dogs' meat, while his afflicted family were searching for him in vain; his favourite example." "St. Alexis," said Babie; "he was asked to versify it." "As a wholesome incentive to filial duty and industry," said Bobus.

The love that they versify, and strum on guitars, and go crazy over, and end by roaring at as the delusion; this common bloom of the ripeness of a season; this would never have utterly captured a sceptic, to vanquish him in his mastery, snare him in her surrender.

And with all their extravagances of expression and questionable taste, the numerous stories which Southey delighted to versify on themes demoniac and diabolical, from the Devil's Walk to the True Ballad of St Antidius, are fraught with farcical import, and have an individual ludicrousness all their own.

Hsiang-yuen was leaning over, indulging in such merriment that she was quite doubled up in two. But everybody else had realised that the trio was struggling for mastery, so without attempting to versify they kept their gaze fixed on them and gave way to laughter. Tai-yue gave her another push to try and induce her to go on.

"Their ideas of themselves are modest, it's true, yet from all I can gather there's not one who can't versify. But should there even be any who can't, there's nothing hard about it. Just look at Hsiang Ling. Her case will show you the truth of what I say." "Of the whole lot," smiled Ch'ing Wen, "Miss Hsueeh's cousin carries the palm. What do you think about her, Miss Tertia?" "It's really so!"

A man of fine genius is rarely enamoured of common amusements or of robust exercises; and he is usually unadroit where dexterity of hand or eye, or trivial elegances, are required. This characteristic of genius was discovered by HORACE in that Ode which schoolboys often versify. BEATTIE has expressly told us of his Minstrel,

Ask Lana Helmer; she is far more adept in sugaring refusals." All turned smilingly toward Lana, who shrugged her shoulders, saying carelessly: "I must decline! The Muses nine No sisters are of mine. Must I repine Because I'm not divine, And may not versify some pretty story To prove to you my own immortal glory? Make no mistake. Accept; don't offer verses.

It was not given to Kenelm to divine the why. It was a love-song versifying one of the prettiest fairy tales in the world, which was a great favourite with Lily, and which Lion had promised Lily to versify, but only to complete it in her presence and to her perfect satisfaction.

But who was possessed of a more ample fund of erudition? who more subtle and acute? or who furnished with quicker powers of invention, and a greater strength of understanding, than Aristotle? I may add, who made a warmer opposition to the rising fame of Isocrates? And yet he, though he forbids us to versify in prose, recommends the use of numbers.

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