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The children grew like asparagus in June, and the father rejoiced over them. "The Queen-bee will grow over all our heads," prophesied he many a time; and when he heard Eva playing "Marlbrough s'en va-t-en guerre," on the piano, his musical sense awoke, and he said, "what a deal of feeling there is already in her music! is there not, Elise?"

What are you hanging around for? Get out!" Constable Beresford had his revenge. As he passed the window, Inspector MacLean heard him singing. The words that drifted to the commissioned office! were familiar. "Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre, Mironton-ton-ton, mirontaine." MacLean smiled at the irrepressible youngster. Like most people, he responded to the charm of Winthrop Beresford.

The Norman airs and folk-songs of the day were easy to learn, simple and melodious. They have remained in the hearts and on the lips of all French Canada for over two centuries. The shantyman of Three Rivers still goes off to the woods chanting the Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre which his ancestors sang in the days of Blenheim and Oudenarde.

Moilliet that he had a letter to Lord Porcelain, to whom his mother is related, meaning the Duke of Portland. He left this, determined to see the residence of "Lord Malbrouke." Mrs. Moilliet endeavoured to put him right, and to put the song, "Va-t-en Malbrouke" out of his head; but he quoted it with the authority of an old legend. "Blenheim," Mr.

We cannot think or act, but the soul of some man, who has lived before, points the way. The dead never die, especially since " "Since what, boy? You speak well." "Since our great ancestor introduced printing," said I, majestically. My uncle whistled "Malbrouk s'en va-t-en guerre." I had not the heart to plague him further. "Peace!" said I, creeping cautiously within the circle of the stick. "No!

The rhythmic motion of them might have suggested, if there had been anybody present to observe, that his mind was running on the old river song. "Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre, Mironton-ton-ton, mirontaine." Beresford speaking, to an audience of one, who listened with soft dark eyes aglow and sparkling. "He's the best scout ever came over the border, Jessie.

"Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre Mais quand reviendra-t-il?" "Malbrouck has gone a-fighting, But when will he return?" and with their characteristic light-heartedness the men caught up the famous old air and the march was resumed without a murmur.

Christophe was unnerved by the noise in the hall, and stopped suddenly half-way through a movement: and he looked jeeringly at the audience, who were startled into silence, and played Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre! and said insolently: "That is all you are fit for." Then he got up and went away. There was a terrific row.

We cannot think or act, but the soul of some man, who has lived before, points the way. The dead never die, especially since " "Since what, boy? You speak well." "Since our great ancestor introduced printing," said I, majestically. My uncle whistled "Malbrouk s'en va-t-en guerre." I had not the heart to plague him further. "Peace!" said I, creeping cautiously within the circle of the stick. "No!

Heaven and earth swam before my eyes as we reached the Pons Sublicia, and heard the tawny waters of Tiber swaying to the sea. With an oath of despair, for life is sweet, I rammed my persuaders into Atys, caught him by the head, and sent him straight at the flooded Tiber! "Va-t-en donc, espece de type!" said the girl on my saddle-bow, finding her tongue at last.