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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Catch a Brixham trawler letting go of a free tow in a fog," said Moorshed listening. "But what in the world do you want him for?" I asked. "Oh, he'll came in handy later." "Was that your first collision?" "Yes." I shook hands with him in silence, and our tow hailed us. "Aie! yeou little man-o'-war!" The voice rose muffled and wailing. "After us've upped trawl, us'll be glad of a tow.

The ten minutes took an hour to pass. Then he had to wait ten more, until Deadrock came back on the air. "They're all yours, Tom. I fired a shot and they looked up. Then Scotty and Hank fired over their heads from each side and they saw they were trapped. They upped hands, polite as you please, and we moved in to put the cuffs on." Scotty elaborated later.

An' then he went out an' locked the door. He'd hardly goon, when there was a knockin' agin the winder. She upped and she oped it, and there sure enough was the little oo'd thing a settin' on the ledge. "Where's the flax?" says he. "Here te be," says she. And she gonned it to him. Well, come the evenin', a knockin' come agin to the winder.

And they said they was "conscientious objectors" and wouldn't fight not for nothing nor nobody. But they wouldn't mind doing their bit in other ways, they said. So John he upped and said would they coom and help him with his second crop o' hay you know we've lost nearly all our men, Mrs. Sarratt and they said they would and that very evening he brought 'em along. And who do you think they are?

It came to me all in a minute, it did, and I upped with the water-jug and filled it to all but a spoonful of the top. For I knew what 'is first thought would be," said Mrs. Briggs grimly. "And I wasn't minded to let myself in for any questions. Yer see, my dear, 'e'd told me 'isself as the pore creature couldn't last the week. Well, I stuck the bottle on the shelf, and went to meet 'im.

Automatically he punched the button for No. 1. Oh, his visitors had made matters appear justifiable. The presidential election campaign was going badly, Rakoff the chairman said, and his poll-quota for the election had been upped from twenty-five grand to fifty. A stainless-steel capsule popped into the transparent wall dock.

She upped an' she oped it, and there were the little oo'd thing, with five skeins of flax on his arm. "Here te be," says he, an' he gonned it to her. "Now, what's my name?" says he. "What, is that Bill?" says she. "Noo, that ain't," says he. An' he twirled his tail. "Is that Ned?" says she. "Noo, that ain't," says he. An' he twirled his tail. "Well, is that Mark?" says she.

She upped and she oped it, and there was the little old thing with five skeins of flax on his arm. "Here it be," says he, and he gave it to her. "Now, what's my name?" says he. "What, is that Bill?" says she. "Noo, that ain't," says he, and he twirled his tail. "Is that Ned?" says she. "Noo, that ain't," says he, and he twirled his tail. "Well, is that Mark?" says she.

We got in the maids and upped him, to a room he used to sleep in, I gathered, and up there he hobbled about, taking out this book and dusting up that book, and fiddling over his table, and looking out of the window, for all the world like an evicted emigrant restored to the home of his fathers.

I had always a liking for short cuts, and I was getting a bit restive under the long inaction. One day when I expressed my feelings on the matter, Peter upped and read from the Pilgrim's Progress: 'Some also have wished that the next way to their Father's house were here, that they might be troubled no more with either hills or mountains to go over, but the Way is the Way, and there is an end.

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