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Over and over the employers have crushed the embryonic unions only to see them rise again with added strength. Forced by the very necessities of their daily lives, the workers always returned to the fight with a new and better form of unionism. Like the loggers, the shingle weavers were routed time and again, but their spirit never died.

If these girls were boys we might look forward to their growing up in the trade, gaining experience and becoming ever more valuable elements in the union membership. But after a few years the larger percentage of the girls marry and are lost to the union and to unionism for good.

Can Trade Unionism crush out "Sweating"? But here again it must be recognized that each movement of public opinion in this direction is really making for the establishment of new trade monopolies, which tend to aggravate the condition of free unemployed labour.

The issue turned squarely on the question of conspiring to injure others by coercion and intimidation. The hatters were adjudged guilty of combining to deprive a non-union workman of his livelihood. The revival of trade unionism in the middle of the thirties brought in, as we saw, another crop of court cases.

Her powers of persuasion, plus her social position and her commercial connections, were sufficient to wring consent from the firm to receive John Golden, president of the United Textile Workers. John Golden, intelligent, honest, a fine type of workingman, educated in the English school of unionism, held two conferences with the firm.

If that is so the inscription must always remain inadequate until this is added: "Having understood all about Ireland in six weeks he gave her, as the one thing needful to redeem her, the workhouse." But, of course, the capital exploit of the Economics of Unionism was its dealing with the problem of land tenure.

"You will see unionism grow, the New Unionism, which is simply the socialistic form of unionism. You will see, as I said before, penal laws invoked against unionism here in Australia, under the old pretence of 'law and order. You will see the labour movement diverted into political action and strikes fought and lost and won at the polling booths." "Will it not come then?" "How can it come then?

Would he have us believe that the typical great movements of our times Socialism, Trades Unionism, Syndicalism, Insurance Bills, Land Laws, Old Age Pensions, Charity Organisation, Improved Education bound up as they all are with economic problems are not the sort of objects which more and more are absorbing the best activities of Christendom?

The situation in Ireland was, on the contrary, one in which the able-bodied and healthy were willing and anxious to work for any wages, even for twopence a day, but were unable to obtain such or any employment." Ireland at the end of a generation of Unionism was suffering, as the commissioners proceed to point out, not from over-population, but from under-development.

Unwin, Industrial Organization in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. S. and B. Webb, The History of Trade Unionism. Wallas, The Great Society. 1914. G. D. H. Cole, The World of Labour. 1915. On this point see Poverty and Waste, by Hartley Withers, 1914, written before the war, which has driven its lessons home. The Living Past, pp. 20, 21. Second Thoughts of an Economist, p. 89.