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A classmate named Stewart Snyder, a competent bulky young man in a gray flannel shirt, a rusty black bow tie, and the green-and-purple class cap, grumbled to her as they walked behind the others in the muck of the South St. Paul stockyards, "These college chumps make me tired. They're so top-lofty. They ought to of worked on the farm, the way I have. These workmen put it all over them."

Why, bless me! even if he'd had gumption enough to concoct such a scheme he wouldn't have the nerve to carry it out. He'd be afraid of himself! Fact! No, siree. Top-lofty never had a hand in this," answered the elder man.

"I'll be a perfect miser and that will help me to stay at home and practice all the more," laughed Patricia as she settled down to the posing again. "I do hope Artemis Lodge isn't a very top-lofty place, with lots of maids to tip and a hundred ways of grabbing at my little pile." "You'll find out all its pitfalls after you get there," said Mrs. Nat with a grimness born of experience.

Poor Antonio! Poor, poor Antonio!" His long talk had, indeed, wearied him to faintness; but while his own tears rained down his cheeks in his self-pity, even as Jessica's in sympathetic sorrow, a cheerful and hearty voice cried through the window: "Don't fret yourself, top-lofty!

I tell you, sir, we've lived just lived every minute, and that's a blamed sight more than a lot of these higher-cultured, top-lofty, half-dead couples that marry and separate, and separate and marry again now-a-days can say. "No, sir, 'tain't what a man gets that makes him rich; it's what he keeps.

There would then be no question agitated in Congress without eliciting the informal and contrariant opinions of the softer sex." This top-lofty sentiment accorded well with the customary assumption and swagger of one of the lords of creation. For the young reformer was evidently a firm believer in the divine right of his sex to rule in the world of politics.

"What's a feller goin' to do when one of these top-lofty critters comes araound a-rubbin' it into him?" demanded Gallup. "Nobody likes to have 'em a-sneerin' and a-chucklin'. I like to shet them kind of folks up and shet 'em up good and hard. I've seen old Silence sence we left the bank." "Phwat?" gasped Mulloy, a sudden light breaking upon him. "Ye don't mane it, Ephie?

"I wrote 'em 'bout startin' that new branch over to Westvale, and although they answered in a kinder top-lofty style I reckon that young Merry writ the letter I 'magine they're in for it, horse, foot, and dragoons. They'll put up the money. An' the question now is who'll go over and take charge of it." Hiram put his pipe on the table.

Say, Ros, she's a good deal of a girl, that Colton one, did you know it?" I did not answer. "Oh, I know you're down on the whole lot of 'em," he added, laughing; "but she is, just the same. Kind of top-lofty and condescending, but that's the fault of her bringing-up. She's all right underneath. Too good for that Carver cub.

She was not "classy" enough. Suddenly a spasm of resentment shook the girl. She felt the hatred of the rich that always set Tommie Gilfoyle afire. What right had such people to such majesty when Kedzie must walk? What right had they to homes and yards so big that it tired Kedzie out just to trudge past? Who was this Mrs. Cheever, that she should be so top-lofty and bend-downy?