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At that time I was in the Channel fleet Tomkins, I'll trouble you for the hot water; this water's cold. Mr Smith, do me the favour to ring the bell. Jem, some more hot water." "Please, sir," said Jem, who was barefooted as well as bare-headed, touching the lock of hair on his forehead, "the cook has capsized the kettle but he has put more on." "Capsized the kettle!

"Pretty well begun already, friend Tomkins," said the keeper; "you are little short of being kings already upon the matter as it now stands; and for your Jerusalem I wot not, but Woodstock is a pretty nest-egg to begin with. Well, will you shog will you on will you take sasine and livery? You heard my orders." "Umph I know not," said Tomkins. "I must beware of ambuscades, and I am alone here.

Then you may have two glasses. Tomkins, take these men to the purser and tell him to give them a square meal. The doctor is attending to your wife, Mr. Fortescue. She is in my state-room and shall have every comfort we can give her." "I thank you with all my heart, Captain Bigelow. You are really too good, I can never " "Tut, tut, tut, my dear sir. Pray don't say a word.

Not one has learned to be happy in poverty, or gentle in good fortune." "There's no poverty to-day," said Mr. Tomkins simply. It really seemed to him as though every one were well off, because the war was over. "There is more poverty to-day than ever before," said Mr. Jeminy. "Hm," said Mr. Tomkins. "Last fall," said Mr. Jeminy, "Sara Barly and Mrs. Grumble helped each other put up vegetables.

Have I time to consider then whether the British public like the word night-shirt, and whether it would not be safer to put Tomkins into a dressing-gown? The man is there before me, dying, and he is in his night-shirt, and I must write it. Besides, my pen is tearing on. I cannot stop he is dying. Will he speak before he dies? I do not know yet.

Each was to suffer at the place of his birth: Thomas Tomkins in Smithfield, on the 16th of March; William Hunter, the poor apprentice-boy, at Brentford, on the twenty-sixth; William Pygot at Braintree, and Stephen Knight at Maldon, on the twenty-eighth.

"Which I will leave open, in case thou shouldst holla for assistance, as yonder Nullifidian hath it But how hast thou got all this so well put in order, good patron?" "I gave the steward Tomkins notice of my purpose to sleep here." "A strange fellow that," said Wildrake, "and, as I judge, has taken measure of every one's foot all seems to pass through his hands."

"I profess I do, even as I should do mine own in a mirror," snuffled the corporal, after looking on the countenance of the dead man by the help of the lantern. "Of a verity it is our trusty brother in the faith, Joseph Tomkins."

He hinted, too, that he might be delayed a few minutes after his time of appointment but we have now waited half-an-hour." "Does your Excellency think Tomkins is certainly to be depended upon?" said Pearson. "As far as his interest goes, unquestionably," replied the General.

"Oh, certainly, sir," replied the man. "Oh, c'ert'nly! Why c'ert'nly? What do you know about it?" "Oh, certainly not, sir," replied the man. "If I had stockwhip here I'd make you hic skip! Whar's brandy?" "Here, Mr. Richard." "Have some! Good brandy! Send for servantsh and have dance. D'you dance, Tomkins?" "No, Mr. Richard." "Then you shall dance now, Tomkins.