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There were peanuts, narrow strips of cocoanut, plantains, bananas short and fat, sickly little apples, dwarf peaches, small wild grapes, oranges green in color, potatoes often no larger than marbles, as if the possessor could not wait until they grew up before digging them; cactus leaves, the spines shaved off, cut up into tiny squares to serve as food; bundles of larger cactus spines brought in by hobbling old women or on dismal asses and sold as fuel, aguacates, known to us as "alligator pears" and tasting to the uninitiated like axle-grease; pomegranates, pecans, cheeses flat and white, every species of basket and earthen jar from two-inch size up, turnips, some cut in two for those who could not afford a whole one; onions, flat slabs of brown, muddy-looking soap, rice, every species of frijole, or bean, shelled corn for tortillas, tomatoes tomate coloradito, though many were tiny and green as if also prematurely gathered peppers red and green, green-corn with most of the kernels blue, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbages, melons of every size except large, string-beans, six-inch cones of the muddiest of sugar, the first rough product of the crushers wound in swamp grass and which prospective purchasers handled over and over, testing them now and then by biting off a small corner, though there was no apparent difference; sausages with links of marble size, everything in the way of meat, tossed about in the dirt, swarming with flies, handled, smelled, cut into tiny bits for purchasers; even strips of intestines, the jaw-bone of a sheep with barely the smell of meat on it; all had value to this gaunt community, nothing was too green, or old, or rotten to be offered for sale.

Inside her boat there she took on a glowing well-fed buxomness, and her skin, protected from the sun and brine, lost that harsh baked bronze of the women who worked along shore. When serving at the counter her ample breast sported inevitably one of an endless assortment of colored handkerchiefs, tomate y huevo, complicated arabesques of tomato red and egg yellow worked into thick well woven silk.

Having then kissed Blondine, the second as a mark of his claim to ownership, he offered the fat Amanda to Lieutenant Otto; Eva la Tomate to Second-Lieutenant Fritz, and the smallest of all, Rachel, a very young brunette, with black eyes like ink spots, a Jewess whose pug nose confirmed the rule that ascribes hooked noses to all her race, to the youngest officer, the frail Markgraf Wilhelm von Eyrik.

History The garden vegetable known in this country as tomato and generally as tomate in continental Europe, is also known as Wolf-peach and Love Apple in England and America, and Liebesapfel in Germany, Pomme d'Amour in France, Pomo d'oro in Italy, Pomidor in Poland.

fr. s. Riz de veau pique, a l'oseille ou a la chicoree 2 0 Riz de veau a la poulette 2 0 Fricandeau aux petits pois 1 5 Fricandeau a la chicoree 1 4 Fricandeau a la ravigotte 1 4 Fricandeau a l'oseille 1 4 Fricandeau a l'Espagnole 1 4 Cotelette de veau au jambon 1 4 Cotelette de veau aux petits pois 1 10 Cotelette de veau en papillotte 1 5 Cotelette de veau panee, sauce piquante 1 0 Cotelette de veau, sauce tomate 1 5 Blanquette de veau 1 0 Oreille de veau a la ravigotte 1 4 Oreille de veau farcie, frite 1 4 Oreille de veau frite ou en marinade 1 4 Cervelle de veau en matelote 1 4 Cervelle de veau a la puree 1 4 Tendons de veau panes, grilles, sauce piquante 1 4 Tendons de veau a la poulette 1 4 Tendons de veauen macedoine 1 5 Tendons de veau aux petits pois 1 5

DON EDUARDO. Como que no hay cosa peor que el jabón y el agua caliente ... mas puedes estar segura, Matilde mía, que con la misma ilusión con que tu Eduardo te besa ahora esta mano tan suave y blanca, con la misma te la besará cuando la tengas áspera como una lija y colorada como un tomate.