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He arose with grave face to greet another day. While Mary was in the kitchen getting breakfast, he rummaged secretly among his queer assortment of papers gun catalogues, directions about building a boat, advertisements of shotgun shells with hunting dogs painted on them. At last he found it Prince's pedigree that Doctor Tolman had sent along with Prince.

"Just what we were wishing for!" cried Tom. "Just name your time, that's all." "How will next Monday suit?" "Will your yacht hold us?" asked Sam. "The Old Glory will hold ten passengers on a pinch," answered Bob Sutter. "Then you don't sail the craft alone." "I can sail her in fair weather. But father makes me take an old sailor named Jerry Tolman along with me.

"Where is Dick Rover?" he asked. "None of your business," growled Jack Lesher. "See here, Tolman, are you going to obey me after this?" "I want to know where Dick is?" said old Jerry stubbornly. "I put him in the brig to cool off. He's too hot-headed for his own good." "You had no right to lock him up, Mr. Lesher. You must let him out at once." "Git out of here, quick!" roared Lesher.

A watch was kept upon the British movements; and finally, when, on the 15th, Warren sent Paul Revere from Boston with warning of suspicious movements, the Committee felt that soon Gage must strike. On the 18th it ordered the removal of some of the stores. "That very night," says Tolman, without knowledge of affairs in Boston, the work was begun.

It was the middle of the afternoon, and Mr. Tolman was alone. This investigator of musical philosophy was a quiet young man of about thirty, wearing a light-brown cloak, and carrying under one arm a large book. P. Glascow was surprised when he heard of the change in the proprietorship of the library.

Unlike the Tolman brothers, McMillan, Irish and Rover, he did not curry favor by the happy accident of birth, beauty, or personal magnetism; and so Dubby began to bestow upon Baldy, for his modesty and industry, an approbation not accorded by him to many of the others in the Kennel.

"It may be a funny way to get married; but everything's all right until it stops being all right, and and I like it here." She had been married a week now, and the week had been the fairest of fair weather, indoors as well as out. Now she sat at the clumsy old secretary desk to write a letter to Miss Tolman. ... For all you said, and hought I was crazy, I am just as happy as I can be.

"You are a regular customer, I suppose," said Mr. Tolman, opening several boxes of paper which he had taken down from the shelves. "I have just begun business here, and don't know what kind of paper you have been in the habit of buying. But I suppose this will do." And he took out a couple of sheets of the best, with an envelope to match.

Tolman fancied that the night druggist's lodgings were, perhaps, not very well warmed, which idea explained the desire to walk rather than read on a cold afternoon. Glascow's name was entered on the free list, and he always took away the "Dormstock" at night, because he might have a chance of looking into it at the store, when custom began to grow slack in the latter part of the early morning.

"It is more delightful and more honourable to give than receive." Epicurus. Most people thought it a strange thing that Mrs. Broderick spoke so constantly of her husband. Mrs. Tolman, the Vicar's wife, who was a frequent visitor, had been scandalised more than once, and had expressed herself rather strongly on the subject to her husband. "I know you think very highly of poor Mrs.