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Brill did nothing, so that the score now stood 4 to 1 in favor of Roxley. The fifth inning was a stand-off, neither side scoring. Then came the sixth, in which Frank Holden, the first baseman, distinguished himself by rapping out a three-bagger, coming in a few seconds later on a hit by the man following him.

Carpenter's long legs twinkled around the bases and he was safe at third before the ball had returned to the infield. Then things began to happen. As though the spell had been broken by the third baseman's three-bagger, the following Durhamites found the ball, man after man, and ere the inning was at an end, the score book told a different tale.

"But I am not fool enough to think I am the only one. There are others." "Well, they are not freshmen, and I'll tell you that." "I don't know about that." "I do." "All right. Have it as you like it." "And you batted like a fiend. Twice at bat and two hits a two-bagger and a three-bagger." "A single and a three-bagger, if you please." "Well, what's the matter with that? Whee jiz mean jee whiz!

The cry echoed from all sides, and, almost in a twinkling, Clink was down to first, and racing for second. Then, feeling that he had time to go further, he bounded onward, and slid safely to third. "That's the way to do it! Look, a three-bagger!" "Hurray! We've got them on the run; keep it up, boys!" And then the air was rent with the noise of horns and rattles.

"I always put in a yoke when it gets along toward fall. My lungs is delicate. And anyway, I see by the papers yesterday that collarless gowns is slightly passay f'r winter." This is not a baseball story. The grandstand does not rise as one man and shout itself hoarse with joy. There isn't a three-bagger in the entire three thousand words, and nobody is carried home on the shoulders of the crowd.

Cheers came from the spectators as Don walked to the bench. Somebody yelled, "Take off your hat, kid." He flushed, and doffed his cap, and sat down with crimson face. "Come on," cried Ted. "Give Don a run and this game will be sewed up." But it wasn't until the third inning that Chester tallied. Then she scored three runs in a rush. Ted led off with a three-bagger.

The Natchez captain dove for it, made a good stop, bounced after the rolling ball, and then threw to Kelly at first. The ball knocked Kelly's hands apart as if they had been paper. Jake Thomas batted left handed and he swung hard on a slow pitch and sent the ball far into right field. Runners scored. Jake's hit was a three-bagger. Then Frank Price hit up an infield fly.

It is a sweet reward after you have knocked a three-bagger and stolen home, and is worth a search in all your eleven pockets for any last penny that may be skulking in the fuzz. Or perhaps there is such wealth upon your person that there is still a restless jingle. In such case you will cross the street to a shop that ministers to the wants of youth.

Hollis made a bid for a three-bagger, but Ken, by another hard sprint, knocked the ball down. Hickle then batted up a tremendously high fly. It went far beyond Ken and he ran and ran. It looked like a small pin-point of black up in the sky. Then he tried to judge it, to get under it. The white sky suddenly glazed over and the ball wavered this way and that.

The first ball pitched to Spark happened to be just where he wanted it. He met it squarely and drove it Over Carson's head in right field. It was a clean three-bagger, and three runs came in. "Well, I think that will about do for you, Hans," said Frank. "Come in here, Gallup, if you want to show what you can do." Ephraim promptly accepted the invitation and came galloping in from the field.