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Each polypus, though closely united to its brethren, has a distinct mouth, body, and tentacula. Of these polypi, in a large specimen, there must be many thousands; yet we see that they act by one movement: they have also one central axis connected with a system of obscure circulation, and the ova are produced in an organ distinct from the separate individuals.

"O, never mind, Eric, if you don't want to look at them," said Vernon, hurt at his brother's rough manner. "First you ask me to look, and then say 'never mind," said Eric impatiently; "here, show me them." The little boy brought a large saucer, round which the crimson sea-flowers were waving their long tentacula in the salt water. "Oh, ay; very pretty indeed. But I must be off to cricket."

The political characteristic of the early Greeks, and of the early Romans, too, is that out of the tentacula of a monarchy they developed the organs of a republic. English history has been in substance the same, though its form is different, and its growth far slower and longer. The scale was larger, and the elements more various.

The avicularia, like the vibracula, probably serve for defence, but they also catch and kill small living animals, which, it is believed, are afterwards swept by the currents within reach of the tentacula of the zooids. Some species are provided with avicularia and vibracula, some with avicularia alone and a few with vibracula alone.

Its tentacula, sent abroad over the summit of the shell, searched the sea for prey. The creature had an ink-bag, with which it could muddle the water around it, to protect itself from more powerful animals, and, strange to say, this has been found so well preserved that an artist has used it in one instance as a paint, wherewith to delineate the belemnite itself.

There" pointing it out "is the most common of the British species of sea anemone. It attaches itself to rocks and stones from low-water almost to high-water mark. The tentacula these feelers that look like the fringe of a flower you see are nearly as long as the body is high, and nearly of the same color.

I told myself it was an octopus when I first saw it, but I have since had reason to believe that it was some almost unique member of the lizard tribe. The creature was represented as climbing over the edge of the bowl down toward the stem, and its legs, or feelers, or tentacula, or whatever the things are called, were, if I may use a vulgarism, sprawling about "all over the place."

At this time, also, all unsightly projecting burdens such as a log of firewood on the shoulder were forbidden, lest it should be considered by the god as a mockery of his tentacula. The priest at this place had a large wooden bowl, which he called lipi, or sudden death. This was another representative of the god, and by this the family had no small gains.

He had no sooner reached the treasure, and made a grasp at it, than he gave a loud scream, for the creature had encircled the poor boy's body with its long fibrous legs, or, as they are properly called, 'tentacula'. He struggled violently, for he was in great agony; at length he escaped, and was helped on deck by one of the men, who said, he wished, 'he had known what the youngster had in his head, and he would have prevented him attempting to catch such a thing, for he was aware of the extraordinary peculiarities of these singular little creatures.