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"Why, my lord," replied the Templar, "our neighbouring state of Alsatia, which the law calls the Sanctuary of White-friars, has had its mutations and revolutions like greater kingdoms; and, being in some sort a lawless, arbitrary government, it follows, of course, that these have been more frequent than our own better regulated commonwealth of the Templars, that of Gray's Inn, and other similar associations, have had the fortune to witness.

One expects every moment to hear the loud explosion of the arquebuse, to see the blue smoke curling, the Templar falling, to hear the orchestra playing the requiem of the guilty. Few people knew what Herr Hippe's business or trade really was. That he worked at something was evident; else why the shop? Some people inclined to the belief that he was an inventor, or mechanician.

"Have you confessed yourself, brother," said the Templar, "that you peril your life so frankly?" "I am fitter to meet death than thou art," answered the Disinherited Knight. "Then look your last upon the sun," said Bois-Guilbert; "for this night thou shalt sleep in paradise." The champions closed in the centre of the lists with the shock of a thunderbolt.

Of their further speech the terrified dwarf remembered little, save that Conrade implored the Grand Master not to break a wounded reed, and that the Templar struck him to the heart with a Turkish dagger, with the words ACCIPE HOC! words which long afterwards haunted the terrified imagination of the concealed witness.

"My mind and senses keep touch and time," answered Rebecca, "and tell me alike that these faggots are destined to consume my earthly body, and open a painful but a brief passage to a better world." "Dreams, Rebecca, dreams," answered the Templar; "idle visions, rejected by the wisdom of your own wiser Sadducees.

The only military operations of which this part of the poem reminds us, are those which reduced the Abbey of Quedlinburgh to submission, the Templar with his cross, the Austrian and Prussian grenadiers in full uniform, and Curtius and Dentatus with their battering-ram. We ought not to pass unnoticed the slain war- horse, who will no more "Roll his red eye, and rally for the fight";

When the Turks saw this, or, haply, had learnt from their spies that the King had given this commandment, they grew bolder and bolder, till one of them, riding up to the line, overthrew one of the Knights Templar. This was done under the very eyes of the Master of the Temple, who, when he saw it, could no longer endure to be quiet.

"It is well you are so confident," continued the Templar; "and, in that case, the fangs of yonder hound have done more to dissolve this league of princes than either thy devices or the dagger of the Charegite. Seest thou how, under a brow studiously overclouded, Philip cannot conceal the satisfaction which he feels at the prospect of release from the alliance which sat so heavy on him?

A quarter-century old project is terminated through the construction of the last two terraces connecting the same edifice with the Templar Colony at the foot of Carmel.

If I appear, then thou diest, even although thy charms should instigate some hot-headed youth to enter the lists in thy defence." "And what avails repeating this so often?" said Rebecca. "Much," replied the Templar; "for thou must learn to look at thy fate on every side." "Well, then, turn the tapestry," said the Jewess, "and let me see the other side."