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"You don't seem to be makin' very good weather of it either," Cai taunted him; and with that, glancing at her for confirmation, he too noticed her changed expression and was dumb. "Are you tellin' me," she seated herself stiffly, and they stood like culprits before her. "Are you tellin' me this is a game?" "A a what, ma'am?" "A game!" She stamped her foot.

But when the young man told how Walter Brome had taunted him with indubitable proofs of the shame of Alice, and, before the triumphant sneer could vanish from his face, had died by her brother's hand, the wizard laughed aloud.

"Right from the Terraport broadcast station, I suppose?" Ali taunted. "Why not?" There was silence in the cabin as the other two chewed upon that and he broke it again: "We set down here when it had never been done before." With one brown forefinger Rip traced some pattern known only to himself on the top of the table.

But the boy was not satisfied, as he greatly desired to know what all this meant; so he searched about for a time, and at length found a man sitting under a tree, and taunted him with being a thief, and threw mud and stones at him until he broke the stranger's leg.

As this bitter thought taunted and stung her, she uttered a low cry of anguish and shame. "What is the matter? Don't cry, it will spoil your pretty eyes." Regina turned quickly, and saw little Llora Carew standing near, and arrayed only in her long white night dress, and pink rosetted slippers. "Llora, how came you out of bed? You ought to have been asleep three hours ago." "So I was.

They've tried to put me out of the way twice. If you breathe a word of this to Mifflin he'll warn the other two." "You're afraid to have Mr. Mifflin know you broke into his shop," she taunted. "You can think what you like." "I won't promise you anything!" she burst out. Then her face altered.

A week more, and another week after that, in which spring taunted the hills, causing the streams to run bank-full with the melting waters of the snow, in which a lone robin made his appearance about the camp, only to fade as quickly as he had come.

The pale boy he once had been taunted him with memories of lowered ideals, unfilled promise and purpose. He had travelled a long distance from the Far Hill Place, and he was going back to fight it out somehow, somewhere. He would stop at Master Farwell's and then take the night steamer for the old battle-ground.

She repressed a stinging reply, and without a word took a seat in the tonneau. "Oh, so you won't sit beside me?" he asked as he started the car. "What makes you dislike me so, Cora? You and I used to pull a pretty good stroke, but lately you simply won't look at me." "I don't dislike you. At least, I did not until this morning." "Still angry," he taunted. "Now, I call that mean.

His cousin, Frederic van den Berg, who was among the visitors, indecently taunted him with his position; asking him what he had expected by serving the cause of the Beggars. Philip turned from him with impatience and bade him hold his peace. At midnight he died.