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"I have my finger on the switch now, but we'd best wait to put the light up until we know where they are. Where do we go first?" "Into the sitting-room," Robin returned. Switching the torch on and off only as he required it, he crept silently over the heavy carpet to the door of the room in which that morning he had come upon Mary.

It would be very little use to have even the keenest of eyes and the sharpest of ears, with the readiest of nerve wires to carry their messages into the center of the body, unless we had some organ, or headquarters, there for switching the messages over to the nerves running to the right muscles to tell them what to do.

He stepped past them and opened a door on the right, switching on the lights inside. "This way, if you please, gentlemen." Lancaster showed a momentary hesitation, or confusion, but Bullard touched his arm and he accepted the invitation. Caw followed them a couple of paces into the room and stood at attention. The two visitors remained standing, their hats in their hands.

What a cursed fool she was not to have asked for a hundred! But what is this, sergeant, what is this? A small, brisk, pippin-faced fellow in a riding-coat and high boots had come clanking into the wool-house with much assurance and authority, with a great old-fashioned sword trailing behind him, and a riding-whip switching in his hand. 'Morning, sergeant! said he, in a loud, overbearing voice.

In fact, in another few days you shouldn't have any more reason to worry at all." He smiled briefly. "At least, no more than the rest of us." Trigger felt a bit dry-lipped suddenly. "I do at present?" she asked. "You did till today. There's been some pretty heavy heat on you, Trigger girl. We're switching most of it off tonight. For good, I think." "You mean some heat will be left?"

Nobody would ever think of looking at her in the same room." "Why not?" said Thorn, coolly. "I don't know why not," said Charlton, "except that she has not a tithe of her beauty. That's a superb girl!" For a matter of twenty yards, Mr. Thorn went softly humming a tune to himself, and leisurely switching the flies off his horse. "Well," said he, "there's no accounting for tastes

"I sticked a pin in her saddle blanket, Uncle Gee-gee. I'll bet she wished she'd stayed away from here when her horse bucked her off." The Kid looked up from trying to tie a piece of paper to the end of a brindle kitten's switching tail, and smiled his adorable smile that had a gap in the middle. "Hey? You leave that cat alone or he'll scratch yuh. Blake, if you can't see " "He!

He stood there with his stubby tail switching back and forth, and contentedly munching great mouthfuls of oats which he had managed to secure from the gaping sack, opening which had doubtless given him all the trouble and caused those strange grunts.

The elephant was browsing upon the young and tender shoots of some low bushes, waving his great ears and switching his short tail.

"However, because of the delicate nature of some of the visual material used, your consent is required. You can attach such consent to this disk by running it for at least ten seconds after the sign-off and then switching from 'Play' to 'Transcribe. Kindly include your full name, as well as your daughter's, and place your thumbprint on the opposite side of the disk.