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We were scarce back in the wool-house once more when a file of guards with a sergeant entered, escorting a long, pale-faced man with protruding teeth, whose bright blue coat and white silk breeches, gold-headed sword, and glancing shoe-buckles, proclaimed him to be one of those London exquisites whom interest or curiosity had brought down to the scene of the rebellion.

But you smile, as though there were little hopes from any such plan! 'If this wool-house were the galley Providence and Taunton Deane were the Bay of Biscay, it might be attempted, I said. 'I have indeed got out o' the channel, he answered, with a wrinkled brow. 'There is, however, another most excellent plan which I have conceived, which is to blow up the building. 'To blow it up! I cried.

And so on they go, pell-mell, putting down "hops in the wool-house" at 2l., "a bull" at 1l. 10s., "14 quarters of mastline" at l4l., "5 quarters of malt" at 5l., "6 bushels of wheat" at 1l. 2s., two more parcels of wood at 100l. and 60l. respectively, a piece of growing corn at 42l., a piece of growing wheat at 6l. l3s. 4d., and even two fields of meadow, which they leave unappraised for the good reason that they had been "eaten up by the souldiers."

The business of the ranch was the antediluvian occupation of rearing and shearing sheep, and to that end the village included a shearing-shed and a large wool-house.

What a cursed fool she was not to have asked for a hundred! But what is this, sergeant, what is this? A small, brisk, pippin-faced fellow in a riding-coat and high boots had come clanking into the wool-house with much assurance and authority, with a great old-fashioned sword trailing behind him, and a riding-whip switching in his hand. 'Morning, sergeant! said he, in a loud, overbearing voice.