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"'It is love and reason, I said, 'fleeing from all this madness of war. "And though we presently saw a squadron of aeroplanes flying across the southern sky we did not heed it. There it was a line of little dots in the sky and then more, dotting the south-eastern horizon, and then still more, until all that quarter of the sky was stippled with blue specks.

There had been those stripey, streaky creations of Monet's, which had turned out such trumps; and then the stippled school; and Gauguin. Why, even since the Post-Impressionists there had been one or two painters not to be sneezed at.

And, so, dim grassy flower and night-lit spark Still move me on and upward for the True; Seeking, through change, growth, death, in new and old, The full in few, the statelier in the less, With patient pain; always remembering this, His hand, who touched the sod with showers of gold, Stippled Orion on the midnight blue.

"'It is love and reason, I said, 'fleeing from all this madness, of war. "And though we presently saw a squadron of aeroplanes flying across the southern sky we did not heed it. There it was a line of little dots in the sky and then more, dotting the southeastern horizon, and then still more, until all that quarter of the sky was stippled with blue specks.

It was destroyed, and the destruction was beginning to live, to cover itself with fresh wreckage and dung, to smoke and consume itself. The rain had ceased in melancholy. Up aloft in the clearings of the sky, clusters of shrapnel stippled the air round aeroplanes, and the detonations reached us, far and fine.

If it did give it a thought, it would not succeed. The calabash is made: there remains the decoration. This is the work of patient after-touches which perfect the curves and leave on the soft loam a series of stippled impressions similar to those which the potter of prehistoric days distributed over his big-bellied jars with the ball of his thumb. That finishes the work.

He saw the fleeing fair one disappear into the distance and in the shortest time on record he heard the clanging of her bicycle bell as she scorched down his drive. "Puffy and stippled" "Puffy and stippled"! Mr. Withells repeated to himself this rudely personal remark as he walked slowly towards the house. What could she mean? And what in the world had he said to make her so angry?

Her small face, with the silver-clear skin, stippled here and there with tiny freckles, was faintly flushed, and moist with the effort of her last great but unavailing run for freedom; her wide eyes were like brown pools scooped from the brown flow of the Ownashee. "I adjudge," said Richard, in an awful voice, "that the prisoner shall amass three buckets of the best gravel.

They were a species of Sterna nilotica unique to Egypt: beak black, head gray and stippled, eyes surrounded by white dots, back, wings, and tail grayish, belly and throat white, feet red. Also caught were a couple dozen Nile duck, superior-tasting wildfowl whose neck and crown of the head are white speckled with black. By then the Nautilus had reduced speed.

It was warm for November. The tide was out. The water was gray, stippled and flattened by light rain. The air was fertile and salty. Mist blurred the rocks. A dog barked somewhere beyond the other end of the beach. Francesca appeared suddenly, holding a black umbrella over her head. When Oliver could see her smile, he stood and smiled back. "You made it," she said coming closer.