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No one is more rejoiced at dear Luke's vindication." "Miss Sprague," said she, "if you think you did your duty, let the consciousness of that sustain you. I do not care to receive any visits from you hereafter." "How cruel and unfeeling you are, Mrs. Larkin," said the spinster, putting her handkerchief to her eyes. Mrs. Larkin did not reply.

SIR: The intelligence from Rhode Island since the call was made on you by the Senators from that State is of a character still more serious and urgent than that then communicated to you by Mr. Sprague, who was charged with communications to Your Excellency from Governor King.

On a sudden impulse the detective parked his car in front of the hotel and five minutes later was knocking upon Sprague's door. "Well, what do you want now?" the unshaven, pallid man demanded ungraciously. Dundee stepped into the room and closed the door. "I want you to tell me the name of the man Nita Selim came here to blackmail, Sprague." "Blackmail?"

Sprague was glad to sit quietly on her camp-stool and let the children wander about the enormous buildings under the direction of the guide.

But, my dear sister Sprague, you will be delighted to hear how much better Rose's health is already becoming " "My health, aunty! Why, I never knew an ill day in my life!" "Don't tell me that, my darling; I know too well what all these deceptive appearances of health amount to.

Turning to Carter he said: "Go at once to see Mr. Sprague, the publisher of this paper. Get him to give you a copy of each paper that has contained an advertisement of this sort in the last six months. Find out what agency places the advertising. Tell him I want to know. He'll understand. We have worked together before."

"The most likely thing doesn't seem to happen on this trip," remarked Ed Mason, who was feeding Simon, the duck, with cracker crumbs. Sprague broke in on our conversation. "This charming little island," said he, pointing over his shoulder, toward the land, "is not an island, at all, it seems. It is a cape, or promontory, or perhaps more properly a peninsula.

"But it is a very short trip from the solarium by way of the side porch into Nita's bedroom. "Sprague's your man!" Sanderson interrupted with relief. "Motive: jealousy because Nita was ditching him to marry Ralph.... As for the gun and silencer, it seems pretty clear to me that Nita herself stole it from Judge Marshall, and that Sprague got it away from her.

Sprague had been promised that, when he raised the screen at a tap or a whispered request, a roll of bills would be handed to him, but he received a bullet instead." "And which one of your six suspects have you picked on?" Strawn asked sarcastically. "That's just the trouble. There are still six," Dundee acknowledged with a wry grin.

Brankert was opposed to d'Etrées, De Ruyter to Prince Rupert, Tromp to Sprague. It is to be remarked, that in all actions, these brave admirals last mentioned had still selected each other as the only antagonists worthy each other's valor; and no decisive advantage had as yet been gained by either of them. They fought in this battle, as if there were no mean between death and victory.