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Got American blood in him, you see." "Do not let any one hear you laugh about him, sir. The people worship him. If you laugh too publicly, you may have your hands full of adventures in a very few minutes and your body full of fine steel blades. We are very proud of our Prince." "I beg your pardon, Mr. Spantz. I didn't mean lesé majesté. I'm bored, that's all.

As if there were not loyal men in Graustark who might have done as much for their Prince!" King looked interested. "I see. The people, no doubt, resent this espionage. Is that it?" Spantz gave him a withering look, as much as to say that he was a fool to ask such a question in a place so public. Without replying, he got to his feet and made ready to leave the little garden. "I must return.

"I'll stop her crying," volunteered Anna Cromer harshly. "I fancy you could, my dear," agreed Spantz. They all laughed. "She's regaining her senses," exclaimed one of the men. "Stand back, every one. Give her air." "Air?" cried Anna Cromer. "It's at a premium down here, Raoul." Presently the door to King's room was thrown open.

You were very curious." "Am I so bad as all that?" he lamented. She ignored the question. "Why should you be interested in me, sir?" Mr. King was inspired to fabricate in the interest of psychical research. "Because I have heard that you are not the niece of old man Spantz." He watched intently to catch the effect of the declaration.

What say, sir?" "I was just going to ask if you know anything about a young woman who occasionally tends shop for William Spantz, the armourer." Hobbs looked interested. "She's quite a beauty, sir, I give you my word." "I know that, Hobbs. But who is she?" "I really can't say, sir. She's his niece, I've heard. Been here a little over a month. I think she's from Warsaw."

Spantz merely nodded, raked in the bills without counting them, and passed the sword over to the purchaser. "Very good, sir," he growled after a moment. "I hate to carry this awful thing through the streets," said King, looking at the huge weapon with despairing eye. Inwardly, he was cursing himself for his extravagance and cupidity. "It belongs to you, my friend. Take it or leave it."

Of course, he cannot know of the dynamiting that is to open the way to success, but it is true that if anybody can upset our plans, it is this meddling American. He is a self-appointed guardian of the Prince and he is not to be sneered at. The regents are puppets, nothing more." Julius Spantz agreed with Brutus.

"I am only commanded to bring the faithful few before him." "But why the armed escort?" growled Julius Spantz, who had spent an unhappy twenty-four hours in bondage. "To separate the wheat from the chaff," said Peter. "Move on, good people, all you whose names were not called." The order was to the few timid strangers who were there because they had nowhere else to go. They scattered like chaff.

This was from Spantz. "We cannot release him, I grant you," she said, and Truxton's heart sank. "Not now, but afterward, yes. When it is all over he can do no harm. But, hear me now, all of you. If he is harmed in any way, if he is maltreated, or if you pursue this design to starve him, I shall not perform my part of the work on the 26th. This is final."

Spantz was at the rear of the shop, talking to a customer. The girl was behind the counter, dressed for the street. She came quickly out to him, a disturbed expression in her face. As he doffed his hat, the smile left his lips; he saw that she had been weeping. "You must not come here, Mr. King," she said hurriedly, in low tones.