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Updated: July 31, 2024

Sieyès and Lanjuinais were absent; but the well-salaried lord of the manor of Crosne must have read with amused contempt the resolution of this body, which he had designed to be the guardian of the republican constitution: "The French have conquered liberty: they wish to preserve their conquest: they wish for repose after victory.

He had the assistance, in this labour, of Carnot and Sieyes, whose names would have carried great weight with the republican party had not both of these old jacobins and regicides accepted, on entering the Emperor's service, high rank in his peerage a proceeding in direct violation of all the professions of their lives.

Then follow the names of sixty-one members expelled. By other articles of the same decree the Council instituted a provisional commission, similar to that which the Ancients had proposed to appoint, resolved that the said commission should consist of three members, who should assume the title of Consuls; and nominated as Consuls Sieyes, Roger Ducos, and Bonaparte.

In point of spiritual quality, nothing was gained by the invocation of the Supreme Being. Hérault proposed that a Grand Jury should be elected by the entire nation to hear complaints against the government or its agents, and to decide which cases should be sent for trial. The plan belonged to Sieyès, and was supported by Robespierre.

I am exactly like you, my lord I say my lord, because I presume you are English." "Yes, sir," replied the gentleman, "I have that honor." "Well! as I was saying," continued the young man, "I am delighted to travel in France and see what I am seeing. One must live under the government of citizens Gohier, Moulins, Roger Ducos, Sieyes and Barras to witness such roguery.

The most remarkable of these was by Sieyès, and it met with favour; but the final vote was taken on a less illustrious composition, which bore no author's name. The selected text was less philosophical and profound, and it roused less distant echoes than its rival; but it was shorter, and more tame, and it was thought to involve fewer doubtful postulates, and fewer formidable consequences.

He broke the seal hastily and read: CITIZEN PRESIDENT The Inspecting Commission hasten to inform you of a decree removing the residence of the legislative body to Saint-Cloud. The decree will be forwarded to you; but measures for public safety are at present occupying our attention. We invite you to meet the Commission of the Ancients. You will find Sieyes and Ducos already there.

From his task of tilting a balance which was already decided, Sieyès was recalled to Paris in May, 1799, by the news of his election to the place in the Directory vacated by Rewbell.

Before the revolution, they would not have known how to select, where all were objects of abhorrence; but now the most ignorant are casuists in the gradations of turpitude, and prefer Tallien to Le Bon, and the Abbe Sieyes to Barrere. The crimes of Carrier have been terminated, not punished, by death.

Sieyes, though of cold temperament, had the ardour which the pursuit of truth inspires, and the passion which its discovery gives; he was accordingly absolute in his views, disdaining those of others, because he considered them incomplete, and because, in his opinion, half truth was error. Contradiction irritated him; he was not communicative.

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