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It's fate, that's what it is fate's at the bottom o' this 'ere job! 'Much more likely to be a lighted candle, said George. 'I was not on the premises at the time, so I can't say; but, be that 'ow it may, there's no denying it's a singler thing the way my words have been fulfilled almost literal. 'Confound you! said George. 'You take good care your prophecies come off.

Speaking of wedgytables, another singler axdent happened here concarning them. Master, who was brexfasting before going away, told me to go and get him his fur travling-shoes.

Whether it's a good plan for the howse, in course I don't kno, but Mr. FOURBES, the souperintendent of the Beeches, says as nothink woodn't injuice 'em to alter the name. Whether that singler custom had anythink to do with it I don't kno, but our party didn't stay there long, and we soon found ourselves at bewtifool Burn'em Beaches.

Knowing the Cafe de Paris to be shut at that hour, I didn't say a word, but quietly establisht myself in the ante-room; where, as it happened by a singler coinstdints, I could hear every word of the conversation between this exlent pair of relatifs. "Help yourself, and get another bottle," says my lord, after a sollum paws.

'IT'S a singler story, sir, said Inspector Wield, of the Detective Police, who, in company with Sergeants Dornton and Mith, paid us another twilight visit, one July evening; 'and I've been thinking you might like to know it. 'It's concerning the murder of the young woman, Eliza Grimwood, some years ago, over in the Waterloo Road. 'That's neither here nor there.

Your colt is growin up the purtiest thing that ever went on four legs, & jumped an eight-rail fence. My hogs wintered in good shape, & pork is risin. They have the measles over on the Crick, & school's broke up. Bill Scripp's out agin for Sheriff, & I spose I'le have 2 turn 2 agin & beat him. Singler, that he'll never know when he's got enuff.

After awhile Jordan awoke again. This time there was an eager, joyous look in his wan face, and he searched the room around with a most expectant gaze. Sedgwick bent over him, and said softly: "What is it, old friend?" "Why, Jim, old man," said he, "that war most singler. I hearn her voice a-prayin', hearn it jest ez plain 'nd natral ez ever I hearn it afore, prayin' thet I might git well.

'It's singler! said Pogram, lifting his umbrella high enough to look all round from under it. 'It's strange! You observe the settled opposition to our Institutions which pervades the British mind! 'What an extraordinary people you are! cried Martin. 'Are Mr Chollop and the class he represents, an Institution here?

"Let me try." "No, no!" he said, rather irritably; "I can manage it," and he continued to fumble. At last he looked over his shoulder and said, "It's a singler succumstance, but I can't get the ring past the bend of the finger." Ada was cruel enough to burst out laughing. "It's a judgment upon you, Mr. Tweddle!" she cried. "You dared me to it!" he retorted.