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The man with the afflicted neck started rocking the bench. "Something is coming to somebody purty soon," murmured Hopalong. He began to sidle over towards his neighbor, his near hand doubled up into a huge knot of protuberant knuckles and white-streaked fingers; but as he was about to deliver his hint that he was greatly displeased at the antics of the bench, a sob came to his ears.

Ralph observed, with an amusement that had a tinge of irony in it, that she was now going to sidle away quickly from this dangerous approach to intimacy on to topics of general and family interest.

It was so funny to see them sidling about him, all of them wagging their tails. He was the master, come among the slaves. But to think that even Doctor Krummlaut should sidle! There's a most terrific extra noise going on outside. I can hardly hear myself write. I don't know whether to run and find out what it is, or retreat to the bathroom.

So shock No. 2 is handed me when I discovers how the high-shouldered young husk with the wide-set blue eyes, that I'd seen hangin' round the Arcade on and off, was really waitin' for Ruby. Uh-huh! I stood and watched 'em sidle up to each other and go driftin' out into Broadway hand in hand. A swell pair they'd make for a Rube vaudeville act!

But if the ground suited him, he would lay low 'n' keep dark till the first pan was washed, 'n' then he would sidle up 'n' take a look, an' if there was about six or seven grains of gold he was satisfied he didn't want no better prospect 'n' that 'n' then he would lay down on our coats and snore like a steamboat till we'd struck the pocket, an' then get up 'n' superintend.

Therefore, the universe is a true atom and, indeed, is the smallest piece of indivisible matter which our minds can conceive; and they cannot conceive it any more than they can the indivisible, ultimate atom. Our Cells A string of young ducklings as they sidle along through grass beside a ditch how like they are to a single serpent!

But all he said in matter-of-fact voice was: "You've got a lot in front of you." "It's like a glacier," replied Boy. "She could slide on that shoulder," commented Old Mat. "Like Napoleon on the Pyramids." The young horse began to sidle and plunge. "Right!" said Boy. "Stand clear!" The little jockey jumped aside, and mounted Silvertail. Four-Pound-the-Second gave a great bound.

I used to sit and watch the various applicants sidle into their seats with the most sheepish faces for men I ever saw. In came the first gentleman, flustered with excitement. "Would your lordship allow me to make an application?" "Yes," said my lord "yes; I see no objection. What is your application, Mr. ?" I will not give his name. "There is a case, my lord, in to-morrow's list number ten.

And every now and then a Forsyte would come up, sidle round, and take a look at him. June stood in front, fending off this idle curiosity a little bit of a thing, as somebody once said, 'all hair and spirit, with fearless blue eyes, a firm jaw, and a bright colour, whose face and body seemed too slender for her crown of red-gold hair.

He is one of those who fall in near the end of the line when the company joins hands to sidle across the stage, bowing and smiling, after the second act. Yet without him I wonder sometimes how my own play would have ended.