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Updated: August 3, 2024

It caught Madison with fierce, exquisite irony. Why not go there himself if he wanted quiet the shrine-room the place of meditation! Well, he wanted to meditate! He laughed jarringly. The shrine-room for him! Great! Immense! Magnificent! Why not? That's what he had created it for, wasn't it to meditate in! He stepped inside.

Prof. Willis, unable to account for the haste with which the east end of Lanfranc's church was pulled down, assumes that the monks "did not think their church large enough for the importance of their monastery," and moreover wanted shrine-room for the display of relics. The main body of Lanfranc's church was left standing, and is described as follows by Gervase.

Madison was near the porch now, and, raising his eyes, noted a supplicant going into the shrine-room a woman, richly dressed but in widow's weeds, who walked feebly. The game went on by itself, once started there were half a hundred more about the lawn! Like a snowball rolling down hill, as he had put it at the Roost. The Roost!

Shrines are nearly always seen in some nook or corner, before which incense is burning, this shrine-room evidently being also the sleeping, eating, and living room.

And here, from time to time, if you will watch, you will probably see more than one handsome girl, with brightly painted lips and the beautiful antique attire that no maiden or wife may wear, come to the foot of the steps, toss a coin into the money-box at the door, and call out: 'O-rosoku! which means 'an honourable candle. Immediately, from an inner chamber, some old man will enter the shrine-room with a lighted candle, stick it upon a nail-point in the lantern, and then retire.

The shrine-room seemed also to be the eating, sleeping, and living room. The natives are lithe in figure, with but slight muscular development, and are yet quite strong, appearing at all times as nearly naked as would be permitted among white people.

In the front of the cottage, the Shrine-room, as he christened it, and the Patriarch's sleeping room were both dark. Madison passed around to the beach side here, Helena's room was dark too, but in the Flopper's window, the end room next to the kitchen and woodshed, there was a light. The night was warm, and, though the shade was drawn, the window was open.

The entire structure of the smaller temple and its haiden, with the exception of the shrine-room, has just been rebuilt in fact, the work is not yet quite done so that the emblem of the deity is not at present in the sanctuary. The shrines proper are never repaired, but simply reinclosed in the new buildings when reconstruction becomes a necessity.

Of each pair one bore clasped to breast a globe of that milky crystal in the sapphire shrine-room; the other a harp, small, shaped somewhat like the ancient clarsach of the Druids. Two by two they stepped upon the raised platform, placed gently upon it each their globe; and two by two crouched behind them.

Strange scene! Strange antithesis indeed! It was quiet here very still only the distant, muffled boom of the pounding surf. And the shrine-room, for the first time since its creation, was locked against the night.

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