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Updated: July 31, 2024

She believed she loved Joe very dearly, and she looked forward with satisfaction to marrying him in about a year's time, when he should have won a ship-master's certificate. But she viewed his departure without suffering and would not have willingly foregone her remaining year of freedom.

There was nothing in this, however, to attract the particular attention of the ship-master's widow, a sail, more or less, being connected with observation much too critical for her schooling, nice as the last had been. She was surprised to find the men stripping the brig forward, and converting her into a schooner. Nor was this done in a loose and slovenly manner, under favour of the obscurity.

"Rosy, you amaze me!" exclaimed the aunt "and you a ship-master's niece, and a ship-master's daughter! A catch is a trick that sailors have, when they quiz landsmen." "Yes, Madam Budd, yes; we have them sort of catches, too; but I now mean the vessel with a peculiar rig, which we call a ketch, you know." "Is it the full-jigger, or the half-jigger sort, that you mean?"

The cab, when it gave up its contents, discovered a load of no less than four persons besides the driver, all of weight, and of dimensions in proportion, with the exception of the pretty and youthful Rose Budd. Even she was plump, and of a well-rounded person; though still light and slender. But her aunt was a fair picture of a ship-master's widow; solid, comfortable and buxom.

I have no desire to play the part of devil's advocate; but in the guise of that personage under his more respectable title of Promotor Fidei it is my duty to point out that if Hudson deliberately did "keep up" himself and a favored few by putting the remainder on starvation rations no matter what may have been his motives he exceeded his ship-master's right over his crew of life and death.

No, no, sir, shake out the reef, and sway away on the topgallant-mast rope; I'm for bringing the Molly Swash into her old shape again, and make her look handsome once more." "Do you dress the brig, as well as undress her, o'mights; Captain Spike?" inquired the ship-master's reliet, a little puzzled with this fickleness of purpose. "I do not believe my poor Mr. Budd ever did that."

I was ready enough to shirk my part of that, you may be sure, but if you start with a reasonably healthy set of men, crew and officers, and keep good discipline, and have no accidents on the voyage, an old-fashioned ship-master's kit of numbered doses is as good as anything on board a man-of-war in time of peace.

And I had a suspicion the soft life at De Chaumont's had unstrung me for what was before me. But it lasted scarce a year, and I was built for hardship. He turned to his table to write the ship-master's letter. Behold, there lay a book I knew so well that I exclaimed "Where did you get my missal?" "Your missal, Lazarre? This is mine." I turned the leaves, and looked at the back.

"Yes, sir, twelve! and I can tell you all their names, for I learnt them by heart it appearing to me proper that a ship-master's wife should know the names of all the masts in her husband's vessel. Do you wish to hear their names, Mr. Mulford?" Harry Mulford would have enjoyed this conversation to the top of his bent, had it not been for Rose.

Johnson, enclosing a ship-master's receipt for a jar of orange-marmalade, and a large packet of Lord Hailes's Annals of Scotland. 'To JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 'I have just received your packet from Mr. Thrale's, but have not day-light enough to look much into it. I am glad that I have credit enough with Lord Hailes to be trusted with more copy . I hope to take more care of it than of the last.

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