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Updated: August 17, 2024

Ful fetis was hir cloke, as I was war. Of smal coral aboute hir arm she bar A peire of bedes, gauded al with grene; And ther-on heng a broche of gold ful shene, On which ther was first write a crowned A, And after, Amor vincit omnia! Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

I think talking to him will be a great pleasure to you when you are here again. You will like to hear that Mr. Shene has sent me the picture, and the pleasure it gives me increases every day. Indeed, I am so well off in every way, that you must not grieve yourself about me, though I thank you very much for what you say. Laura reads to me all the evening from dinner to tea.

For the taste and perfection of what we esteem the best, he can truly say, that the French, who have eaten his peaches and grapes at Shene in no very ill year, have generally concluded that the last are as good as any they have eaten in France on this side Fontainebleau; and the first as good as any they have eat in Gascony.

'He would be snoring at Shene; that is, if he could sleep for the trouble the Duke of Lancaster would be giving him. Henry laughed at last. 'Good King Edmund, he would assuredly never try to set the world right on its hinges. Honest fellow, soon he will be as hearty in his congratulations as though he did not lie under a great wrong. Heigh-ho! such as he may be in the right on't.

'In summer, when the shawes be shene, And leaves be large and long, It is full merry in fair forest To hear the fowles' song. 'The wood-wele sang, and wolde not cease, Sitting upon the spray; So loud, it wakened Robin Hood In the greenwood where he lay. And Shakespeare are not his scraps of song saturated with these same bird-notes?

"Go you hence, mother?" "Yes, my child, I go hence. Geoffrey, wilt mind ever what I now say unto thee? Wilt never, never forget it, but ever keep it fresh and shene, and think thereof whenever thou dost think of me?" "Yes, mother, I shan't forget." "Alice, thou wilt help him to remember, good lass, if thou be not taken from him."

"Enough, sir, I would be alone." "Furthermore," he continued and with another airy motion of his white fingers, "I would have you particularly remark that if my Lady Brandon, lacking better company, hath stooped to any small familiarities with you, these must be forgot and " "Ha!" I cried, springing to my feet, "Begone, paltry fool, lest I kick you harder than I did last time at Conisby Shene."

He was glad, therefore, to resign his prebend in favor of a friend, and to return to Shene, to Sir William Temple, who was so much pleased with his return, which he considered as an act of kindness to him in the close of life, that a sincere reconciliation took place, and they lived together in perfect harmony till the death of Sir William.

No sooner there than my lady fits out an expedition to your relief and I busied with divers weighty concerns, she sails without me and is wrecked in the Downs, whereby she lost her ship and therewith all she possessed, save only Conisby Shene, the which she holdeth in your name, Martin." "Adam," said I, "Oh, Adam, surely this world hath not her like " "Assuredly not!" quoth he.

"Holy City, happy City, Built on Christ, and sure as He, From my weary journeying, From the wastes, I cry to thee; Longing, sighing, hasting, crying, Till within thy walls I be. Ah! what happy, happy greeting For the guests thy gates who see! Ah! what blessed, blessed meeting Have thy citizens in thee! Ah! those glittering walls how fair, Jasper shene and ruby blee.

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