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Three or four minutes later the sails were sheeted home, and the Spaniard began to move through the water, having set sail as soon as the anchors were tripped. No sooner were they under weigh, and the crews at their quarters, than they began to discharge their bow guns after the Swan. "Shall we answer them, Captain?" James Standing asked.

What was said I do not know, nor could I judge from his countenance how the captain took the communication made to him I saw him start, and examine the old man attentively from head to foot. The result, I know, was that the boat and the chests were hoisted on board the sails were let fall and sheeted home. The stranger went to the taffrail and waved his hat.

"I used to think I was one," was the retort, "before I got into these Paumotus." At midday the cry of "Breakers ahead!" was heard from the lookout. The Pyrenees was kept off, and sail after sail was loosed and sheeted home. The Pyrenees was sliding through the water and fighting a current that threatened to set her down upon the breakers.

The howling storm snuffed out the moonlight as if it had been a tallow dip and fought and screamed around the peaks, whirling down the gulches with the fury of a blizzard. From dark till dawn the roar of the wind filled the night. Before morning heavy drifts had wiped out the roads and sheeted the town in virgin white unbroken by trails or furrows. With the coming of daylight the tempest abated.

He commanded the upper sails to be well hoisted, sheeted home anew, and every way expanded to the breeze. Now this Radney, I suppose, was as little of a coward, and as little inclined to any sort of nervous apprehensiveness touching his own person as any fearless, unthinking creature on land or on sea that you can conveniently imagine, gentlemen.

Holmes, with a vast accession of dignity, "are Gladys Gwendolen and Algernon Paul! Good night!" Just before dawn, a sheeted spectre appeared at the side of Sarah Smither's bed, and swore the trembling woman to secrecy. It was long past sunrise before the frightened handmaiden came to her senses enough to recall that the voice of the apparition had been strangely like Mrs. Dodd's. Good Fortune

The darkness spread to the bedroom that had been Lettice's and his: the curtained wardrobe was drawn, the bed lay smoothly sheeted with the quilt folded brightly at the foot, one of the many small glass lamps of the house stood filled upon the bureau. The iron safe was eclipsed, the pens upright in the glass of shot, the kitchen and spaces beyond.

Beyond this place the stream widened into a sort of bay. It would not do for me to go beyond. I should have too long a swim for it; besides, the barque was about being got under sail her canvas was already loose; and once the sails were sheeted home, they would catch the wind and carry her rapidly through the water so rapidly that I might not be able to get aboard. I had gone far enough.

Down came the storm and smote amain, The vessel in its strength; She shuddered and paused like a frightened steed, Then leaped her cable's length. And fast through the midnight, dark and drear, Through the whistling sleet and snow, Like a sheeted ghost the vessel swept, Toward the reef of Norman's Woe. Wreck of the "Hesperus."

I am like the poor mariner, whose imagination was for a moment caught with the lofty sound of the thunder, round whom the sheeted lightning gilded the foaming waves, and who then sinks for ever in the abyss. It is now four eternal months, and not one line from the hand of Matilda has blessed these longing eyes, or cooled my burning brain.