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I therefore with peculiar pleasure give to the world a just and elegant compliment thus paid to his Lordship by Johnson . 'My first shuts out thieves from your house or your room, My second expresses a Syrian perfume. My whole is a man in whose converse is shar'd, The strength of a Bar and the sweetness of Nard.

Her ladies wise reply'd 29. Yea to herself the answer made, 30. Have they not speed? she cry'd. The prey to each a maid or twain Divided have not they? To Sisera have they not shar'd A divers-colour'd prey? Of divers-colour'd needle-work Wrought curious on each side Of various colours meet for necks Of those who spoils divide? Rev.

Declare how first the gods and Earth became; The rivers and th' immeasurable sea High-raging in its foam; the glittering stars, The wide impending Heaven; and who from these Of deities arose, dispensing good; Say how their treasures, how their honors each Allotted shar'd: how first they held abode On many-caved Olympus: this declare, Ye Muses! dwellers of the heavenly mount From the beginning; say, who first arose?

Carte inform'd the P. that persons of note would enter upon no scheme with him whilst that fellow shar'd his confidence. The pretence of Mr. Swem-rs, Memr. of Pt. traveling abroad with his lady, was to settle the English Scheme. Ld. M-r-l has not seen the P. but twice, before Pickle went over.

"It's hardly in a body's pow'r To keep at times frae being sour, To see how things are shar'd How best o' chiels are whiles in want, While coofs on countless thousands rant, And kenna how to wair't." Epistle to Davie.

It's hardly in a body's power To keep at times frae being sour, To see how things are shar'd; How best o' chiels are whiles in want, While coofs on countless thousands rant, An' ken na how to wair 't. His father, his brother, and himself all the members of the family indeed toiled unceasingly, yet were unable to better their position.

Thus he, the now sackt city justly fear'd, Who all around had death and ruin shar'd. From fancy'd darts believes a darkned sky, And troops retreating in confusion fly: There the sad funeral pomp of kings; here Conscious plains, half drown'd in blood, appear He that by day has nois'd it at the bar, Of knaves and fools now sees the great resort, And to meet justice vainly fears in court.

Colonel Humphreys, who was long at Mount Vernon arranging the General's papers, wrote descriptive of the return at the close of the Revolution: "When that foul stain of manhood, slavery, flowed, Through Afric's sons transmitted in the blood; Hereditary slaves his kindness shar'd, For manumission by degrees prepared: Return'd from war, I saw them round him press And all their speechless glee by artless signs express."

"But soon, alas, from hearts with sorrow worn E'en this last comfort was for ever torn: That mind, the seat of wisdom, genius, taste. The cruel hand of sickness now laid waste; Subdued with pain, it shar'd the common lot. All, all its lovely energies forgot!

"Where that foul stain of manhood, slavery, flow'd Through Afric's sons transmitted in the blood; Hereditary slaves his kindness shar'd, For manumission by degrees prepar'd: Return'd from war, I saw them round him press, And all their speechless glee by artless signs express."