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Shells pierced the roof of the church in that squalid village of Noeux les-Mines and smashed some of the cottages and killed some of the people now and then. Later in the war, when aircraft dropped bombs at night, a new peril over shadowed them with terror, and they lived in their cellars after dusk, and sometimes were buried there.

Even Uncle Steve, that precious guide and friend, who had always occupied the central place in his focus, had almost been forgotten. For Keeko, too, whose youth had been shadowed from the moment understanding had broken through the golden mists of childhood's dream-world, a new meaning to life had been born.

He spoke of it again on that never-to-be-forgotten night of the betrayal, the night of the feet-washing, and that last long talk, and that wondrous Kidron-prayer. He spoke of it more than once that night. It was a very emphatic word He spoke as they were walking along the darkly shadowed Jerusalem streets out towards the east gate.

While they talked, Max Richardson had led his friend into the lofty shadowed drawing-room, that, in spite of a thermometer at 96 degrees, struck cool as a grotto after the furnace without: and Frank Olliver, consigning Honor to the largest arm-chair, herself presided at the tray; apologising, in characteristic fashion, for having temporarily 'taken over charge.

That serious, awesome spiritual life that shadowed so much of childhood under Puritan auspices was not a feature of the more southern colonies. They were supposed to imbibe religious impressions from example.

You are engaged to a nice girl; Alan is dead; I am the only unlucky member of the family." The man was talking quite sincerely. He even envied his murdered cousin. Nothing in his words, his suspicious mode of announcing his presence, the vague doubts that shadowed his past career, puzzled Brett so greatly as that chance phrase.

His services naturally came into great demand, and he was catholic in granting them his mistress in good-natured tolerance acceding to requests which promised many forgetful hours at a time when the land was shadowed by war.

In the centre of the Circus is a space fenced in with iron railing, a small play-place and sylvan retreat for the children of the precinct, permeated by brief paths through the fresh English grass, and shadowed by various shrubbery; amid which, if you like, you may fancy yourself in a deep seclusion, though probably the mark of eye-shot from the windows of all the surrounding houses.

"You were not brought up for such a life!" "Not altogether," he admitted. "It suits me very well, though." "Poor boy!" she murmured. "You, too, have had evil fortune. Perhaps the black hand has shadowed us both." "A man makes his own life," he answered, impulsively, "but you you were made for happiness. It is your right." She glanced for a moment at the rings upon her fingers.

Her eyes, whose colour I had not at first known, so dim were they with repressed tears, so shadowed with ceaseless dejection, now, lit by a ray of the sunshine that cheered her heart, revealed irids of bright hazel irids large and full, screened with long lashes; and pupils instinct with fire.