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Updated: August 21, 2024

The voice mutter'd something, and the footsteps went back. I had been kicking my heels there for twenty minutes or more when they returned, and the voice repeated the question "Thy name?" Being by this time angered, I did a foolish thing; which was, to clap the muzzle of my pistol against the grating, close to the fellow's nose. Singular to say, the trick serv'd me.

To butter Crabs, from the same, for Garnish for the foregoing Dishes, or to be served by themselves. Or this Mixture may be serv'd on a Plate, upon Sippets, with Slices of Lemon or Orange. You should fry the Sippets. The Manner of Pickling and Drying of Sheeps Tongues, or Hogs Tongues, which they call Stags Tongues; from a celebrated Practitioner of forty Years standing in London.

Most true, Seignior; why shou'd not the Cavaliers keep Filles de Chambre, as well as great Ladies Valets de Chambre? Doct. Indeed 'tis equally reasonable. But have you never serv'd Ladies? Har. Oh yes, I serv'd a Parson's Wife? Doct. Is that a great Lady? Har.

While "looking unto Jesus" and the bright visions of eternal glory, like Stephen, he can pray of his enemies, and tranquilly fall asleep while undergoing the most frightful sufferings. Ed. 44 "A naked man"; unarmed, or defenceless. "Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal I serv'd my king, he would not in mine age Have left me naked to mine enemies." Shakespeare's Wolsey. Ed.

After these follow'd Men of all Degrees and Orders, some Archbishops, some Bishops, Abbots, Monks, Chanons, Priests, and Clerks of every Degree, all cloathed in the sacred Apparel proper to their Respective Degrees and Orders; and like in Shape and Colour to those they wore, when they serv'd God here on Earth.

Wee parted good ffriends, & hee can beare me witnesse that I intimated unto him at that time my affection for the English Intrest, & that I was still of the same mynde of serving the King & the nation as fully & affectionately as I had now serv'd the ffrench. Eight or tenn days after my arrivall, Monsr. La Barre sent for me, to shew me a letter hee had receaved from Monsr.

Faith, Sir, that's but a poor Revenge, and which every Footman may take of his Lady, who has turn'd him away for filching You know, Sir, Windows are frail, and will yield to the lusty Brickbats; 'tis an Act below a Gentleman. Sir Tim. That's all one, 'tis my Recreation; I serv'd a Woman so the other night, to whom my Mistress had a Pique. Sham.

I must however observe to you upon this Subject, that it is usual for a young Tradesman, at his first setting up, to add to his own Sign that of the Master whom he serv'd; as the Husband, after Marriage, gives a Place to his Mistress's Arms in his own Coat.

"Many gentlemen Are not, as in the days of understanding, Now satisfied without a jig, which since They cannot, with their honour, call for after The Play, they look to be serv'd up in the middle: Your dance is the best language of some comedies And footing runs away with all; a scene Express'd with life of art and squared to nature Is dull and phlegmatic poetry." MS. him.

It did not at that time amount to 5000 foot in all, with about 400 cavalrie, compos'd of the noblesse who serv'd as volunteers, part of whom form'd a first troop of guards for the Prince, under the command of My Lord Elchoe, now Comte de Weems, who, being proscribed, is presently in France.

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